Argumentative Essay About Bad Technology

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Big Bad Technology Technology is an important issue that my generation will face in the coming years if it is used inappropriately. Albert Einstein states his input on how technology will be an issue: “I fear the day that technology will surpass our human interaction. The world will have a generation of idiots”. Many people say that technology will affect people’s ability to think properly and claims that we will have a generation of people who are ignorant compared to earlier generations. Technology has shaped how people live their lives on a regular basis and it defines my generation as the technology generation. Technology has changed how we do things in our daily lives and has become a large part of our daily lives and has impacted each …show more content…

Technology is so easy for the youth to access and there are many things that affect children through the use of technology. Children can misuse technology by accessing inappropriate materials, most kids today have smart phones and are able to access this so easily. Another reason children are affected by technology is that they are never taught how to properly use it, so they begin to think what they are doing is okay, when it is not, at a young age. My generation is more prone to the misuse of technology because they have grown up with it and it has been apart of their childhood. As technology becomes more developed it will be more vibrant in children’s lives and as they grow up it will become more of a part of their childhood. The more it is in a child’s life the more it will become more known. I did not receive a phone until I was 14 and it was not even an IPhone, but today there are children who have IPhones at the age of 8. This affects children because they are becoming more dependant on technology as a young child and they think that it is alright to depend on technology. They are given technology and they do not know how to use it properly nor do they know that it is not okay for them to depend on technology and that they need to depend on their minds to do things not just technology. The more technology comes involved in children’s lives the more it will affect them throughout their

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