Summary Of Joan Wolf's Someone Named Eva

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Joan Wolf created a historical fiction novel, Someone Named Eva, about a girl living in Lidice, Czechoslovakia during WWII. Even though the story is considered fiction, there are many accurate details that the author included to enhance the plot. However, there are intentional alterations added as well. The novel begins with the main character, Milada, experiencing difficulties during WWII. Milada and her family were making sacrifices because of food rations and she was also concerned about Hitler and the Nazis being in her country. One of the major similarities that the author kept was how the children would get germanized. The Aryan children would get germanized after they got tested by the measurements of several things. They would start by checking their hair and eyes to see if it matched what the requirements were. They would next measure the length from the nose to the back of the head. They would lastly measure their length from the top of their nose to their chin. From the article, Stolen: The story of a Polish Child ‘Germanized’ by the Nazis, states, “After the Nazis grabbed them, both girls were taken to a children’s concentration camp in Lodz, then to a German-run convent in Kalisz, where the “Germanization” began - a combination of intense German-language lessons and brutal punishments. “They beat German into our minds until we didn’t know what was what anymore. If we spoke Polish, they would beat us or lock us in dark rooms for hours,” Alodia Witaszek said.” On page 46 of the novel it states, “You are blessed to be chosen as Aryan children, sent by God to serve Hitler and save the world from the …show more content…

Wolf included many accurate details from 1942 in Lidice, Czechoslovakia. Joan Wolf showed that no matter where you are, where you're going, or what you’re doing, you should always know who you are and never forget

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