Suicide In The Military

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According to new research, females in the US military have a suicide rate that is up to six times higher than what you might find with the civilian women. While mean in the military still have a higher rate than women, the suicide rates among females has gone so high that it has approached the male military rate. In the past, the LA Times reports that most research focused on the suicide rate of men who fought in the military. This is because males represent around 90 percent of the military population.

When researchers looked at a sample size of men and women in the military between 2000 to 2010, they found that females between 18 to 29 in age had a 12 times greater likelihood of killing themselves than the civilian population of females. The study analyzed more than 173,969 suicides from both men and women.

Despite these findings, experts want to clear things up so that people do not get the wrong impression. For example, if you were to say that 50 percent of John Hopkins students are married to the professors, and you are only pulling from two people within that population, …show more content…

Because the military trains you to be aggressive and violent and ready for war, they also separate people from their families. For that reason, it should not be surprising that they might have a higher rate of suicide than non-military women. What is more? These statistics may not consider everyone who died in the military because some of the suicides go unreported. When the US relied on the draft, the suicide rate for the military population had a tendency of matching the civilian population. According to Claire Hoffmire, an epidemiologist and head researcher at the VA, that could suggest that a certain type of person chooses to volunteer for military service. It could be that certain people join to escape from a bad childhood or bad situation. However, once in the military, they find that the situation did not improve as

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