Suicide of Vietnam Veterans
The deaths that were experienced in Vietnam due to Agent Orange and other jungle diseases have become well known by the general public. However, it is suicide that has resulted in the deaths of over 150,000 Vietnam soldiers during and after the war. An enormous amount of suicides resulted from what most people call “protecting our country”. The Vietnam War brought more than fifty-eight thousand deaths and is to some one of the darkest battles in United States history. If not killed during the war, many believe any Vietnam veteran would return home great and proud. But this is not the case. Many Vietnam veterans have committed suicide before, during, and after the war.
Not only have these men and woman risked their lives for our country, but now, return different people and can not comprehend whether or not to continue their lives. Many people believe we win wars, when in actuality, no one does, especially those who serve in the armed forces (Suicide Wall, 11-10-2000).
The Vietnam and other wars have mentally and sometimes physically dismembered many veterans. Another factor that plays a role in a war-related suicide is the addition of many on-site diseases such as defoliants, Agent Orange in particular. Made up of equal parts N-Butyl Ester 2,4,-D and N-Butyl Ester 2,4,5,-T, Agent Orange made many Vietnam soldiers go insane (Vietnam Veterans, 11-10-2000). This atrocious chemical lead and still today leads to death, deformation, and diabetes. Dr. Joel E. Michalek, who deals with statistics for the air force, was the first to notice a link between Agent Orange and diabetes. But the federal government was not willing “ spend millions of dollars on such studies”. Dr. Michael Gough, a retired biologist was quoted as saying “the conclusion I’ve come to is that there is no evidence whatsoever to support any connection between low-level dioxin exposure and any human disease”. Some say they will not do research because it is another thing “...that will be linked to the health complaints of Vietnam veterans” (Kolata, A16). There is hope still. In 1996, Clinton ordered disability benefits for Vietnam veterans suffering from prostate cancer and nerve disease associated with Agent Orange. Eventually, the government will fund more and more diseases for those who served in the war and were exposed to the substances.
Harrison, G. B, ed. "The Tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark." Major British Writers. Harcourt, Brace, & World, Inc.: New York, 1959.
Schecter, Arnold, et al. "Recent Dioxin Contamination From Agent Orange in Residents of a Southern Vietnam City." FFRD. N.p., May 2011. . Rpt. in JOEM. Vol. 43. N.p.: n.p., n.d. N. pag. 5. FFRD. Web. 3 Apr. 2011.
Shakespeare, William. “Hamlet.” An Introduction to Literature. Ed. Barnet, et al. New York: Longman, 2000.
Imagine living in despair after coming back home, dismayed from a war that got no appreciation. Robert Kroger once said in his quote, “The brave men and women, who serve their country and as a result, live constantly with the war inside them, exist in a world of chaos. But the turmoil they experience isn’t who they are, the PTSD invades their minds and bodies.” Eleven percent of Vietnam Veterans still suffer with symptoms of the terrifying disorder of PTSD (Handwerk). Vietnam Veterans struggle with the physiological effects of PTSD after war, which leads to despair and many deaths.
"Hamlet." William Shakespeare: The Tragedies. Paul A. Jorgensen. Boston: Twayne Publishers, 1985. 47-57. Twayne's English Authors Series 415. Twayne's Authors on GVRL. Web. 22 May 2015.
Shakespeare, William. The Tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark. Massachusetts Institute of Technology. 1995. No line nos.
Andrew Hacker and Claudia Dreifus report in their essay “Are Colleges Worth the Price of Admission?” what is expected from universities in exchange of their high costs. Currently, the price of education has duplicated its cost in comparison to the last generation (Hacker and Dreifus 179). Making a huge investment and getting poor results are the reasons what make parents and students hesitate before choosing a college. Hacker and Dreifus emphasize that colleges that are doing well their job share factors that make worth paying high tuition fees. These factors include: close relationships between professors and students, an adequate use of technology, and access to scholarships or part time jobs to make education affordable. Considering the
Burton, Philip. "Hamlet." The Sole Voice. New York: The Dial Press, 1970. N. pag.
Shakespeare, William. Hamlet. In The Norton Shakespeare. Ed. Stephen Greenblatt. New York: W. W. Norton and Co., 1997. 1668-1756.
I am a Senator from the state of California. I currently serve on the Armed Services and National Services Committee.
After reading “American Higher education in Crisis” by Goldie Blumenstyk, I wanted to bring solutions to the inquiries between the marginal cost of high priced tuition and the marginal benefits from paying those fees to pursuit a Bachelors degree. The purpose of higher education is to open up the minds of incoming high schoolers. The students of higher ed are being introduced to many new subjects and surrounding that it breaks the bubble that secluded them from the real world. And most importantly, it supposedly provides the students with the knowledge and information to find a career of their interest. Unfortunately, not everyone receives what they had expected from attending college and to some it has made them worst off. The cost of tuition is indeed the most dramatic problem that leads to many disputes. And followed by those costs is the amount of debts that people are flooded in that withers the self-proclaimed title of the “importance of education.” Although many people think that if they were attending specialized courses they would be better off, the expectations from corporations have a huge incentive for students to receive a BA. And because of that, many people think that the opportunity cost of attending college is worth it. But, as the years of endless amount of fees such as tuition, living fees, and supplies go by, paying off those fees for those who have not had the
Hamlet, a younger man born into a royal family. Everything was good until his father had a tragic death, but Hamlet didn’t know that. He soon found out in time and he was VERY angry. As the time went on after the kings death, Hamlets uncle (Claudius) became the new king and also had gotten married to Hamlets mother Gertrude. Days went by and Hamlets personality had been worsening. His actions had been getting bad, words were getting worse, everyone had been basically thinking Hamlet was crazy. Why did the people of the kingdom think he was crazy maybe? For example they thought he was crazy because he had killed Ophelias father Polonius and won’t tell where he hid the body. He also has violent outbursts towards his mother and Ophelia. Hamlet wasn’t
College tuition will be the bane of certain student’s existence in the near future but it was not always this way. For quite a length of time, people did not pay much for their college degrees. However, in today’s day-of-age that is not nearly the case. A large portion of people are realizing that tuition is very unreasonable and want to change it to be more affordable. While researching college tuition I found not only that I was right about tuition being too high, but I also found that it has inflated more than I assumed it had. Since 1975 to now, tuition has increased by roughly four times the original amount at a four year university.
The human beings’ inherent slowness and inaccuracy in performing manual drafting tasks such as lettering, line work, and scale work, coupled with the ever increasing demands for higher levels of productivity, led to the wide scaled development of CADD (Zandi, 4). Drafting has been influence by CADD over the years and so has technology. The more we can do by drafting the more we can accomplish technologically. CADD has allowed us to accomplish these things. It devises a different way of thinking. (Friedman) And like the railroad, electric light, or the car it will eventually alter our economic structures, our social systems, and our daily living. IBM’s best thinking on this matter is that the computer did not turn out to be primarily a computational mechanism but is for many different things (Zandi, 22). CADD allowed us to design something as complex as a skyscraper and it allows us to create many other complex things. (Grad, 17) Many things are still to come of CADD can we can only await to see how it will change or society and our drafters more. non-automated competitors.”(Mahoney,J). Mahoney J speaks on how the companies with the CAD program have a certain edge over companies that still use manual drafting. Will also improve the work quality of their coworkers. Works on the communicative skills with customers and also other people when it’s time to present their house project. Constructions companies benefit from CAD. Makes house building easier. Makes building blueprints easier. All of this shows that Computer Aided Design can benefit the construction industry.