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PTSD in veterans research essay
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The transition to civilian life has left many young veterans desperate as suicide rates among veterans are much higher than that of the civilian population. In fact according to (Basu, 2013), “the annual suicide rate among veterans is about 30 for every 100,000 of the population, compared with the civilian rate of 14 per 100,000. The analysis of records from 48 states found that the suicide rate for veterans increased an average of 2.6% a year from 2005 to 2011 -- more than double the rate of increase for civilian suicide.” As these brave men and women have given so much to protect this country it is important to look at why suicide rates among veterans are so high and propose a possible solution to this horrible problem.
There are many problems facing veterans that most civilians do not have to worry about. Perhaps the most serious issue facing many veterans is the post-traumatic stress that can haunt a soldier that has experienced the fear of being deployed to a combat zone. This is an issue that most individuals never have to worry about and having these post-traumatic experiences make most veterans more susceptible to substance abuse. According to the Department of Veteran Affairs website (ptsd.va.gov), “Almost one out of every 3 Veterans seeking treatment for SUD (substance abuse disorder) also has PTSD”. This is a startling number when you think about the high number of veterans that have been to war and have some level of post-traumatic stress. Also, we have learned from past conflicts that substance abuse and PTSD have been linked to an increase in suicidal behavior. In fact (Veteran Affairs, 2005) found that, “Veterans over the age of 65 with PTSD are at increased risk for attempted suicide if they also experie...
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...articipate in the ACAP program to utilize the employment transition program a drop in unemployment will occur as well as drop in veteran suicide rates.
The suicide rates among young veterans are at outrageous levels. With PTSD, drug abuse, and unemployment the main reasons that these young heroes our taking their own lives. To lower these numbers and help veterans adjust to civilian life the Department of Veteran Affairs will establish a peer support program and an employment transition program to assist these veterans into civilian life. The Department of Veteran Affairs will utilize social workers to ensure that veterans are able to receive the benefit of these programs and will monitor the success rate of these programs to ensure they are a successful. With these changes we can help assist Veterans into civilian life and help minimize veteran’s suicides.
Veterans had a hard time finding employment after the war. Employers considered a veteran’s service in the Vietnam War as evidence of drug addiction, and refused to hire them. The rejections only made the soldier’s struggles adjusting back to normal life even harder and encouraged their drinking and drug use. These harmful habits were their way of coping with the hate and rejection from society while still helping them forget their experiences in Vietnam. Veterans from the Vietnam War were the victims of an unprepared government.
PTSD has been intensely studied to benefit those who have been diagnosed, to get better treatments. There have been many successful cases, where the individual has conquered it. Marcus Luttrell’s symptoms have dramatically gotten better because he is a strong individual with a healthy family to support him. However, there are many people that have been dealing with this burden for years and may never get better. These men and women, who cannot find relief from PTSD, turn to self-harming; military suicides have been on the rise in the recent years and are continuing to increase. This cannot be ignored. The Veteran Administration needs to step up the treatment and recovery programs before this number begins to get out of control.
Alvarez, Lizette. "Home from the War, Many Veterans Battle Substance Abuse." The New York Times 8 July 2008: n. pag. Web.
Veterans have struggles with their civilian life after separating from the U.S Armed Forces. Returning to the civilian life seem to be a big challenge for veterans who have no prior job’s skills for civilian life because they had been influenced from military’s training, have physical and psychological damage.
Nearly 60 to 80 percent of Vietnam combat vets seeking treatment for PTSD, abused the use of drugs and/or alcohol. The study also revealed that more than 90 percent of those individuals, were diagnosed with alcohol dependency. With a recent interview with a helicopter pilot, Keane began to explain his experiences in Vietnam. Veteran Keane says that with the loss of a fellow soldier, they would drown the loss by drinking to make it appear like they weren’t bothered by it. Keane says. “The more that vets are exposed to war and develop psychological problems from war, such as PTSD, the more likely they are to develop alcoholism” (Danitz). The ability to cope with the physiological effects of PTSD is reduced severely when alcohol is
Veteran homelessness must be attacked at multiple levels in order to ensure that it does not turn into a revolving door. So beyond simply providing temporary housing support we will also have to improve our veteran’s lives for the long-term. This entails treatment for their PTSD by providing them with access to health and wellness clinics, recovery resources, peer support groups, and individual counseling. (Note: Key information from HYPERLINK "http://www.voail.org" http://www.voail.org).
When we picture the United States Military we regard men and women in uniform fighting for our country. However, what we do not picture is the hidden problems. Stress of the job, members returning home from war, and combat create an increased stress level that can result in abusing substances and cause behavioral problems. The military has recognized that this has become a problem and is now taking steps to ensure their members safety.
It should come as no surprise that for a variety of reasons, all stemming from combat experience, many of our nation's Veterans will act in unconventional or perhaps even illegal ways, in an attempt to cope with the stress of their military service. It may be easy for some to say that these men and women, despite their service, are criminals and should be locked away like any other who breaks the law. However, if rehabilitation is truly a goal of our justice system, it would not make any sense to take a group of offenders suffering from the side effects of combat experiences and throw them in prison, which is little better than combat anyway. This is why the advent of Veteran’s Courts is so important. Due to their service, and the effects that PTSD and other service related conditions may have on their criminal behavior, Veteran’s courts are not only an honorable way to treat our nation’s defenders, but a way in which to protect them from the negative impact of incarceration.
Seal, Karen H., Daniel Bertenthal, Christian R. Miner, Saunak Sen, and Charles Marmar. "Bringing the War Back Home: Mental Health Disorders Among 103 788 US Veterans Returning From Iraq and Afghanistan Seen at Department of Veterans Affairs Facilities." Archives of Internal Medicine 167.5 (2007): 476-82. Print.
Suicide of Vietnam Veterans The deaths that were experienced in Vietnam due to Agent Orange and other jungle diseases have become well known by the general public. However, it is suicide that has resulted in the deaths of over 150,000 Vietnam soldiers during and after the war. An enormous amount of suicides resulted from what most people call “protecting our country”.
Social workers in all branches of the military are helping families and military personnel prepare for, and cope with, the hardships of war. They do so through a range of preventive and clinical services provided by the Veteran Administration with many different types of programs, including family-support and mental-health counseling. The mission statement of the VA Social Workers is to eliminate significant barriers to clients in need and offer interventions for veterans and families. It is accomplished by developing and maintaining integrated, in-depth programs in patient care, research, and education.
Suicides among U.S military members, both active and reserve, have become increasingly common as shown in Figure 3. Beginning after the...
A survey of OEF/OIF Veterans identified major rates of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), depression, alcohol-related problems, social and family problems, and suicidal behavior. However the most alarming statistic is not about deployment rates or rates of diagnoses, the most alarming fact is that fewer than 10% of those diagnosed with PTSD or depression have received the recommended the mental health treatment upon re-integration into society. The dropout rate at the Veterans Association (VA) PTSD clinics is distressingly high as well when looking into VA records it was found that 68% of OEF/OIF Veterans dropped out of their prescribed counseling and programs prior to completion (Garcia et al., 2014). Because most of these men were deployed mul...
In an interactive tool map titled “Ending Veteran Homelessness Map,” found on the National Alliance to End Homelessness website, California and Los Angeles’ numbers in regard to veteran homelessness can be found. And even though the numbers of homeless people are huge, the numbers of homeless veterans in our nation are just astounding. It’s a surprising realization that the soldiers that fought and served us with their lives are now homeless. Half of America’s homeless veterans served in Vietnam, two-thirds served for three years, and one-third were stationed in a war zone according to the “FAQ About Homeless Veterans” by the National Coalition for Homeless Veterans. These statistics only serve to emphasize once again how many veterans resort to homelessness. And since few truly effective plans have been created or brought to the fore, at least not until these past few years, it’s no wonder this situation hasn’t gotten any better for
Thus, governments make specific advantages and administrations accessible to them and the general population assumes liability for guaranteeing the prosperity of this extraordinary gathering of residents. It is in this manner a matter of worry that veterans are spoken to in extraordinary numbers among needy Americans. (Rosenheck, Kasprow, and Seibyl, 2004, p.587). In 1987, the main national study of vagrancy among U.S. veterans were gathered. What was reported is that forty percent of homeless men was passed military administration and that was compared to 34 percent of men in the general population. Further research confirmed that veterans are 1.4 times prone to be homeless as other individuals, and that roughly 200,000 were homeless on any night. The most serious danger of vagrancy were among individuals who had served in the post-Vietnam all-volunteer armed force from the year 1972 to 1980. Those men were around four times prone to be destitute as their none veteran associates. In contrast, veterans in the age group that served in the Vietnam period were just 1.4 times likely coordination the general normal. The World War II veterans had somewhat low rates: they was just nine-tenths prone to be destitute as none veterans. The information demonstrates that the battle introduction is not the most grounded determinant of vagrancy among veterans of different war times. In reality the post-Vietnam veterans had the minimum battle presentation yet the most dangerous vagrancy. The key element appeared to be identified with their premilitary experience and status. World War II veteran are an exceptionally symbolic cross segment of their age bunch in general public on the loose. Vietnam veterans, somewhat in the light of purposeful arrangements