Student Mentor Position

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I have demonstrated leadership skills by being involved at UALR and in my community. I am currently am the secretary of Phi Beta Lambda, an ambassador for Chancellor's Leadership Corps (CLC), and a member of the Student Marketing club. The motto of CLC is Learn, Lead, and Serve and because I demonstrated these abilities, I was chosen as a scholarship recipient. I am currently applying for the junior mentor position for CLC. Last fall, I attended the Arkansas Student Leadership Forum whose goal is to promote servant leadership. I am now a part of the advisory council for the Forum.
As a CLC sophomore ambassador, I mentor a group of 8 students and help them transition from high school to college. I have been working with these group of students since June 2016. CLC scholars are required to volunteer 15 hours a semester and the freshmen are required to attend 15 events a semester. I help my students find volunteer opportunities and each semester choose a project to go volunteer with them. I also inform them of all the events that occur on campus. This way, the freshmen are involved in our campus right from the beginning of their college career.
I volunteer on campus and throughout the community. …show more content…

Phi Beta Lambda is the collegiate version of Future Business Leaders of America. We had 9 members in Fall 2015 and now have grown to 17 members. Not only do I take minutes, I also recruit members, promote the organization at organization fairs on campus and help host events. One of the events, I started with Phi Beta Lambda is “Ask an Alumni.” Every semester, two UALR Alumni come and speak to students at the College of Business and talk about their experience after college and how they obtained their job. I started this event because the connections between Alumni and students is highly valuable and learning from people who were once in your shoes is one of the best ways to prepare for life after

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