Strychnine Essay

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Strychnine Strychnine is a naturally occurring drug that exists as a colorless, odorless, bitter, and highly toxic crystalline alkaloid used in killing small vertebrates such as rodents, birds, and other pests. Barks and seeds from climbing shrubs and trees from the genus Strychnos contain the potent alkaloid, and the distribution of the plants occurs widely distributed in warm climates across Africa, Asia, and America. The Strychnos nux-vomica and Strychnos ignatii plants found in Australia and southern Asia are the main sources of the strychnine alkaloid. However, scientists have discovered methods of synthetically producing the drug in laboratories. Strychnine has a chemical formula of C21H22N2O2 and a molar mass of 334.41g/mol, and the compound …show more content…

The inhibition occurs in both the brainstems and the spinal cord where strychnine competitively counteracts the activity of the neurotransmitters produced by the cells in the nervous system. The drug’s actions predominantly occur at the neuron synapse of the Renshaw cell-motors that are vital in connecting motorneurons. Preventing the binding between the post-synaptic receptors and glycine at the neuron synapse stops the post-synaptic channels from opening (Roy et al., 2012). Thus, severe neurological symptoms appear in the victim as the inhibitory signals fail to propagate in the nervous system. Excessive convulsions and motor neuron activities then occur due to the failure of the post-synaptic inhibition and accumulation of glycine in the brain. As a result, exaggerated responses to external stimuli such as touch, sound, and vision may arise in the central nervous system. This causes the restlessness, painful spasms, and agitation witnessed among individuals suffering from strychnine

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