Stolen Vehicle Crimes: Good Or Bad?

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When you get a car stolen you expect it to be a crime. You expect your car to be torn up, trashed, run down, and problems with it, that was not this case though. A man gets his vehicle stolen while him and his wife are on vacation. He gets a call saying it was stolen and that it is in a impound. It was not in bad shape it was like somebody was using it properly. It’s crazy how what you expect a criminal to have done to your car, but it turns out to be the opposite. You would think that they would do the impossible to make it look like a stolen car, but when you're desperate and need to turn your life around, I guess you gotta do what you gotta do. The man that took that stolen vehicle was killed later on. He had a baby and a loving family. He was job searching. …show more content…

Yes he stole a vehicle, but the guy didn’t damage it, it didn’t need to be put in the shop, all he had to do was just clean it up. When you expect something to be for the worse it might not be as bad as you think. When all else fails try something new. All stolen vehicle crimes are not as bad as think, someone might have really needed that car for things such as a family. I understand that stealing a vehicle is not turning your life around quite yet, but he didn’t have the money, he didn’t have a job, and he had a baby. The fact that he tried providing is

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