Statistic: Data Collection and Sampling

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Sampling is the raw resource which enables the quantitative researcher gain insight on the target population. In the past half-century, Haer & Becher (2012) note that surveys have become the ubiquitous data gathering devices serving many researchers purposes for assembling data in person or by mail. Nevertheless, the purpose of the survey is designed to gather valuable data, however, even more important is the design and in the way it is conducted ethically. Sampling strategies can be diverse depending on the resources and time available to a researcher. The surroundings in which the survey is conducted play in important role easy and participation which the data can be collected.

Sampling frames provide guidance and the ability to correlate linking in from of the survey goals to the population. This framing confirms that there is merit and meaning which coexist between the target populations. Haer & Becher (2012) concludes that the suitable sampling framing needs to be adopted only after understanding the surroundings of target populations. Essentially, outlining the goals of the survey by a random collection process of the target population is desired through the anonymous and rigorous surveying process.

The goal of quantitative research is to find relationships among variables which can be dependent or independent variables. Delıce (2010) categorizes the main efforts quantitative research to find reliability with generalizability to search and find these relationships among the independent or dependent variables depending on the type of multivariate statistics being performed. The goal is not force these variables into a relationship, but to openly receive the results and present representative statistics in select...

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