Are Film Festivals Still Necessary? A Questionnaire

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The aim of this questionnaire is to explore cinema audience's opinions of films and experiences of film festivals. There was a time in which film festivals 'presented a seductive return to classical cinephilia with their promise of a unique, unrepeatable experience frequently offering a rare opportunity to view films on the big screen before they disappear into the ether or only reappear in DVD' (Czach, 2010, p. 141). But what have they become lately? After the technological development that we have witnessed over the years, are film festival still necessary? Why do we have to go to Venice or Cannes to see a film when, thanks to devices such as Sky on demand or Apple TV, we can have our own festival in our living room every night?. These are some of the questions I will ask to cinemagoers.

Questionnaire Design.

The design of the questionnaire is based on the descriptive survey format (Oppenheim, 2002); however, as it is just a first attempt at designing the questionnaire, I can predict that after having carried out the pilot work (ibid), the ordering of questions sequences could be changed.

The population taken in consideration in this research is cinema audience in the UK. As this category comprises a large scale of individuals (UK’s annual cinema admission is roughly over 150 million), it can be reduced to a random sample of 500 viewers who attended at least a show in one of the following cinemas in London: BFI, Curzon Soho, Prince Charles, Odeon West End, Coronet, Gate Picturehouse and Cineworld Haymarket. Both expensive and cheap cinema venues were selected to cover a wider range of audience.

The questionnaire will be conducted through the face to face method (Bryman, 2008) both on weekdays and weekends; this will allo...

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Bryman, A. (2008) Social Research Methods, Oxford: Oxford University Press

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Czach, L. (2010) Cinephilia, Stars and Film Festival, Cinema Journal, 49, 2, 2010, pp: 139-145

De Valck, M. (2007) Film Festivals. From European Geopolitics to Global Cinephilia, Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press.

Foddy, W. (1994) Constructing Questions for Interviews and Questionnaires, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press

Glaser, B.G., Strauss, A.L. (1967), The Discovery of Grounded Theory: Strategies for Qualitative Research, Chicago: Aldine.

Oppenheiam, A.N. (2002) Questionnaire Design Interviewing and Attitude Measurement, Continum London: Continum

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