The enigma of life and the mystery of living organisms have always fascinated me. The persistent developments in the field of Biotechnology have opened up growth opportunities that are beneficial to the individual as well as the society. The perfect combination of theory and practical knowledge is required to succeed in this field. I want to be an element of innovation in this field, which is creating a better tomorrow for everyone. To do this, I need to prepare myself with mandatory knowledge that only a Masters' program can provide. I envision your university as the right stepping stone to pursue my dreams and achieve my career goals. Having been brought up in a strong and secure family, my parents have inculcated good values and principles in me. My parents’ support has always motivated me to reach my goals. Being from a family where both my parents' are highly educated and my father having done his Doctorate in Botany has always inspired me to pursue my ultimate goal of being a researcher, either in industry or in academia in this field. In the coming years, I visualize myself as a researcher or as a faculty member in one of the leading universities in the United States. I strongly believe that a Masters Degree in Biotechnology from your prestigious University will act as a crucial first step in the process of realizing my career objectives.
Since school days the terms like cell, genes, DNA, protein intrigued me a lot and helped me in realizing the dream of pursuing a career in Biotechnology field that has been making many remarkable achievements. The passion towards biological sciences made me to take B.TECH in Biotechnology in Dr. M.G.R. University.
In college I was introduced to subjects like biochem...
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...croorganisms present in wastewater as the anodic solution obtained from different sources made me to understand that microbes present in domestic as well as industrial waste can even be proved beneficial if they are tapped for electricity generation. Such results were based on the preliminary experiments which need further research in the field . I did it on laboratory level and at the end could generate enough electrical energy to light a bulb or to run a calculator for a few hours to a day.
The various industrial exposers prompted me to obtain higher degree (MS and Ph.D) and to explore the untapped fields in biotechnology which may prove beneficial to the industry and ultimately to human kinds at large. Hopefully, I find your kind consideration to fulfill my desires to grow in the research field that would help me in working on the field of my interest.
Rudolph, Frederick B., et al. (1996). Biotechnology: Science, Engineering, and Ethical Challenges for the 21st Century. Washington, D.C.: Joseph Henry P.
The ubiquitous and incalculable benefits of biotechnology as a whole and the specific issues involved in Gattaca successfully mute the alarmist calls for moratoriums and bans on these technological breakthroughs. With utmost caution and consideration these studies will ultimately lead humanity to limitless heights.
Please explain your reasons for wanting to participate in the Garcia Center Summer Scholar Program.
When I was younger I always found myself interested in science of all varieties. In elementary school, I aspired to be a scientist, but I was not sure what career path to take. In 10th grade, I found myself in Pre-AP Biology thinking that biology, although fascinating and complex, made perfect sense to me. I took AP Biology during my Junior year and felt that same pull. I loved biology and was certain that I wanted to study biology in college. My big question was what could I possibly do with a Biology degree.
As a food science major with an interest in nutritional sciences the regulation of lipid synthesis would be a comprehensive topic that would allow me to develop my research abilities in a setting applicable to both my major and my interests. Using molecular biology and chemical processes, assisting in determining what mechanism is used to how phosphorylated PA phosphatase would allow me to learn both new lab techniques and new concepts in the fields of microbiology and biochemistry. My interests in food science have always been with either food microbiology or food chemistry with some interest in sensory science. I hope to explore all of these fields of food science during my time here at Rutgers to aid me in finding what I love to do. Along
Fittingly, I chose biotechnology as my undergraduate major. During my bachelor’s, I worked on three major projects. First, a genetic engineering project to enhance Pyocyanin production in Pseudomonas aeruginosa by overexpressing Phenazine gene; second, In-silico screening for Resveratrol (known
I chose to do my research task on the new treatment possibilities, using biotechnology, for Diabetes, as I am a Type 1 Diabetic and have been for nine years.
Microbial Fuel Cells use bacteria to convert waste into electrical energy. These bacteria break down almost any biodegradable organic waste including sewage and water waste and use it as fuel to generate power. Places like Penn State University and The Biodesign Institute in Arizona State University are already testing and improving this new alternative energy. According to Penn State University they have achieved in producing 1.5 watts per meter squared of amount of waste water taken in and believe that a large industrial plant will be able to produce near 0.8 watts per meter squared and will be able to support about 500 homes (9). This is a new technology that is being avidly researched, however it is not currently used in large industrial plants or treatment centers. However this new technology has already been funded by organizations like NASA, OpenCEL and NZ Legacy (7). Even a small prototype has been built by Australian Beer Company Fosters in May 2007; it has 12 modules and already produces carbon dioxide, electricity and clean water. (12). The usage of this energy is slowly increasing as more research has been invested into it and its advancements.
My goal is to obtain at least a master’s degree in one of the biological sciences. I intend to perform well in college, just as I have in high school through dedication and efficient time use. In order to obtain a career in research, I will need job experience. I intend to obtain this experience by working in internships while in college and taking advantage of any opportunities to gain experience in my field. The higher degree in science that I strive for will allow me to obtain a satisfying and influential career in biological research.
Morgan, S.Philip, Suzanne Shanahan and Whitney Welsh. "Brave New World: Philosophy, Politics, and Science in Human Biotechnology." Population Council (2005): 127-144.
FAQ 1. What is biotechnology? The simplest definition of biotechnology is that it is technology based on biology. We know that biology is the study of life and refers to living things or living systems. When these systems are used to create products to improve life, we call it biotechnology.
For a number of years now the United States has been the mainstay in the push for biotechnology research and testing...
For the biotechnology industry, the future is now. Biotech companies are producing new and improved drugs, mapping the genome, and creating artificial organs and body parts. The advent of these new products will increase the quality of life for those who have access to them. Advancements in the biotechnology field have received a lot attention by the press and publications. They have given the impression that it is almost imperative to learn about this fairly new field of study.
The myriad mysteries of science can be unraveled by the emerging technologies including Biotechnology. Science has always been my interest and forte thus, the choice of Biotechnology as my academic option was the ideal decision. I had prepared for the highly competitive entrance exam AIET to get admission into the integrated Masters Degree in Biotechnology and Bioinformatics at Dr. D.Y. Patil University and secured 87th all over India rank and was proud to gain admission to this venerated university. The academic curriculum has introduced me to amazing subjects like ‘Microbiology’, ‘Molecular Biology’, ‘Biochemistry’, ‘Genetics’ and ‘Industrial Biotechnology’. Although many seminal biological events have been explained in theory during the past century, the technology to harness their potential for benefiting humankind has only been possible during the past few decades. This is testament to the great improvements in biotechnologies and I am glad to be a part of this grand scientific experience.
New opportunities and challenges of human health are presented by the application of biotechnology to food. Biotechnology helps improve the quality and nutrition of foods consumed by people,this helps their health. Foods produced through biotechnology has been around for more than 15 years but people are still debating about how safe the food is. Biotechnology still have to plays its role by increasing agricultural productivity,especially in light of climate change. I believe that biotechnology is still going to help better th nutritional value of food. It can also assist farmers to increase their productivity so that they can feed their families and many people across the globe. The whole world should be using the food biotechnology because it has the ability to change the world,it can be to end world hunger .