Biotechnology Dbq Essay

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1. What is biotechnology?
The simplest definition of biotechnology is that it is technology based on biology. We know that biology is the study of life and refers to living things or living systems. When these systems are used to create products to improve life, we call it biotechnology. Of course, there are more comprehensive definitions of biotechnology, but we’d like to keep things simple and not too overwhelming. As you read on in our site, you will have a better view of how intricate and complex, yet important and captivating biotechnology is. We want visitors to our site to appreciate biotechnology, especially when they read about the many interesting facts about biotechnology.
2. What are GMOs?
GMO stands for genetically modified organism. GMOs have had some part of their genes or genetic material changed or altered in some way. An example would be golden rice. Golden rice has been changed in such a way that it contains large amounts of Vitamin A. Vitamin A is found lacking in the diet of many poor populations. One effect of lack of Vitamin A is blindness. So golden rice be a big help to many. However, there is a lot of controversy about GMOs, especially with regards to their supposedly harmful effects to the environment and to humans as well. Unfortunately, for many people, GMOs are the only part of biotechnology in the present that they have heard of. …show more content…

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Anyone who is interested in learning and gaining knowledge, who is interested in science and technology and developments in biotechnology can benefit from this blog. Children will also benefit as they will learn in an enjoyable way through the games and trivia found in this blog. Students can find material here that can help them with schoolwork and projects. Ordinary individuals who just want to learn something new and exciting will be rewarded with the surprising facts found in this

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