The Unhealthy Evolution of Wheat

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The Unhealthy Evolution of Wheat

I have spoke a lot about healthy eating and drinking in my previous posts. It is crucial to eat a lot of vegetables, fruits and drink pure water; but what about wheat products? Wheat has evolved into something that is no longer a natural substance and can negatively affect your health.

We are seeing more wheat allergies than ever. There is a reason for this; the following will explain.

How Has Wheat Changed?

The production of wheat is not a new phenomenon. Wheat has been successfully cultivated for thousands of years. Since the industrial revolution, wheat cultivation has taken a dramatic shift. Everything has changed; how we grow wheat, how we process it, the way we store it and even the way we eat it. Yes, a lot has changed.

The steel roller mill appeared around 1870, replacing stone mills (almost completely within ten years). This is where industrial white flour was first introduced widely and cheaply. Instead of mashing all components together like the stone mill, the steel roller mill could separate the flour with ease, allowing for cheap production of white flour. Not only was technology booming in terms of machinery, but modern science began to take effect.

GMO's may be something that you have heard of. If you haven't, it is time to start learning about the dangers of GMO foods. GMO stands for 'genetically modified organisms'; meaning a seed for example, is tweaked so that it is no longer in it's natural state. This modifying creates a greater output, but at what cost to your health?

It is a vicious cycle really. Pesticide companies like Monsanto and Dupont, had a lot to do with the changes occurring. Pesticides complimented GMO's; creating a higher efficiency as well as a higher ou...

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5. Buckwheat: This is technically a herb, but the seed is ground into flour. Buckwheat has been known to lower cholesterol and help with diabetes (lowering glucose levels).
6. Kamut: Kamut is actually a brand name. Most people recognise Kamut, which is actually the name for an ancient Khorasan wheat. This wheat provides protein, antioxidants, zinc and selenium.

These are just SOME of the healthier, more well-known alternatives. Notice that the benefits of these alternatives, are the opposite of modern wheat? Modern wheat causes a lot of issues that these alternatives actually prevent.

It is time to re-think our modern wheat. Start making small changes, incorporating more beneficial grains into your diet. Once you begin making these small changes, not eating wheat will become natural to you. More importantly, it will be more natural for your body.

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