Sponsors Of Literacy Essay

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If someone asked you if you knew what literacy is, how would you respond? When my English professor asked us that same question, my first thought was that it had to do something with writing. I was in the right path, but just half way there. Literacy has to do with the ability to read and write. Now let me ask you one thing, do you remember who your first sponsor was? You probably are making a lost face expression, because you have no idea who it was. Dont worry I had that same expression a few weeks ago, but Deborah Brandt helped me get rid of that lost feeling.
How so? By reading some of her writing tittled Sponsors of Literacy. In this write-up she does a great job in explaining to the reader what a sponsor is. “Sponsors, as I have come to think of them, are any agents, local or distant, concrete or abstract, who enable, support, teach, model, as well as recruit, regulate, suppress or withhold literacy- and gain advantage by it in …show more content…

Butler noticed I was having a little bit more trouble than the rest of the group, that's why she offered to give me extra help during lunch time if I wanted it. And of course I said yes, I was eager to learn. I would eat my lunch fast and hurry back to her classroom, while the rest of my classmates were enjoying their recess time outside playing. There were days where I wanted to stay and play with my friends, but I would have to remind myself that it was for my own good and that later on I would see the results of my hard work pay off.
Like in her reading Brandt talks about sponsorship and access, I feel that somewhat my story fits in there perfectly. In what way you may ask. In the way that my access was limited only to school. From Monday through Friday I could get help from Mrs.Butler, but that was also limited to one hour per day. That hour had to be shared among six other students, so the only really one on one time was during lunch time. Unless she had to attend to meetings, then we wouldn't meet until the next

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