Software Products And Other Industrial Products Case Study

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Question 1 Learn about quality assurance in some other domain of engineering. Write a short essay (1 page) comparing software quality assurance with the domain of your choice. Include about 2 references. [Will be submitted by 5th of March] Question 2 There are three major differences between software products and other industrial products. 1. Identify and describe the differences. The three major differences between software products and other industrial products are Product complexity, Development and production process and Product visibility. Software product are mostly complex product which allow high number of operational options meanwhile other industrial product the complexity is less hence the number of operational options are lower. In term of development, the defect in software product is detected in one phase only which is product development. Meanwhile the defect in industrial product are detected every phase which are product development, product production planning and manufacturing. The software is invisible product hence the defects are not visible unless the testing is applied. On the other hand, the industrial products are visible and mostly the defects are visible which is easily can be identified, as an example changes in shape or color. 2. Discuss the ways in which these differences affect SQA. The product visibility is impacting the task of quality assurance, it will be difficult task as the product must be have correctly functioning for all options regardless of usage and the level of complexity. The other differences are impacting to the difficulty of detecting the software defects, as whole the developer will ends up with uncertainty of defect free software. Question 3 A software system comprise... ... middle of paper ... ...tware error • Logical design errors o Failure of system architect or system analyst in formulating the software requirement into proper algorithm of required system state • Coding errors o Misunderstanding the design docuemnt which leads to programmers mkae coding error. • Noncompliance with documentation and coding instructions o The non-complying software is expected to increase of error which made by development and maintenance team. • Shortcomings of the testing process o Incomplete test plan, lack of documentation and reporting of detected error and faults • User interface and procedure errors o Procedure error might give user incorrect direction due to the activities which are needed • Documentation errors o Error in documentation could lead to trouble of development and maintenance team. Error in the user manual will affect the user in using the application.

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