Recently there was a very big revolution in the field of modern technology, It has become popular everywhere. Social websites nowadays became a new trends for all people in the world, they affect our lives wildly. daily People depend on these sites strongly for different purposes. Lately we became dependent on Facebook and twitter completely and other sites.
Twitter as a famous social website has obtained its fame recently, and as a new invention such like other websites has its advantages and disadvantages, usually people differ in judging them. Twitter has many advantages first of all it is a new and updated method of contacting and communicating with other, and through it you can reach people who are far away from you. In addition of that it helps you in searching for new friends. Some people find it very difficult to make relation with others around them but, it is easy for them to establish new friendships on Twitter Also through it you can keep in touch and in a good relation with old friends who you haven’t seen for a long time at any place in the world.
Through twitter you also can get the latest news and you also can share information, pictures, and photos concerning fresh news. By using Twitter, you are familiar with what is going on around you, also you can get responses regarding any topic you have shared with friends and also you can receive comments, new ideas, thoughts which will greatly help you in your life. Twitter gives you the chance to know about areas you have never been to in your country or abroad, and through twitter you can obtained knowledge about their country, life style, culture, custom and traditions. Many people use twitter for cha...
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Twitter lack monitoring so you can find and see some bad comments and some impolite words and this will affect our youth. lately it has become a rich land for rumours and exaggeration in conveying news. Also bad and impolite discussion may harm our young people. People who use twitter always insist on their opinion and don’t accept others and fifth to prove that their opinion is true, and they try to impose their ideas on others. Sometimes twitter may isolate young people away from their families and communities, and the youth all the time are away from families and communities participation.
Generally twitter and other social websites are good and they have many nice aspects, but at the same time they need awareness of families, communities and also governments. Young people have to use them but for important things and under control.
Whether walking down the street, at a party, or even looking through the App Store, chances are the name "Twitter ' has stood out. Twitter is a social media site that allows it 's users to post news updates in real time, socialize with other users, or even just to view the most recent events going on in the world. It can be used as a modern-day newspaper, a text-messaging service, or even a blog. In David Carr 's article, "Why Twitter Will Endure", the main topic of discussion is how long this utility would last among us. In his article, Carr clearly and eloquently expressed his views on why Twitter will endure, through the use of his own ethos and logos.
Recent advancements in technology have created a new form of communication. We call this new type of communication social media. Some of the big names in social media are Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat and Instagram. Most people today use some form of social media on a daily basis. Social media is most popular amongst adolescents. According to a poll conducted by Infographic, nine out of ten teenagers have used social media. Whenever a new technological advancement occurs there is concern over how it will affect society. In the case of social media, the concern is greatest for adolescents. So, how does social media effect adolescents? Social media can have both negative and positive effects. Some of the effects of using social media can be depression, addiction, cyberbullying and exposure to inappropriate content.
I find social media a perfect way to stay in the loop of what is going on with my friends. Although Eva likes to post pictures of her favorite celebrities, I enjoy using twitter to stay up to date on my favorite sports teams and players. We all can agree that although we do not post selfies or constantly update social media on what we are doing at that very moment, we enjoy benefits social media gives us.
Since 2006, Twitter has become a huge social media platform. Over a billion people use twitter on a daily basis. Everyone from celebrities to the average teenager has a twitter. Over the last decade, Twitter has been affecting the way we communicate with one another. Twitter causes people to receive information quicker, oversimplify conversations, and impacts the in person conversations that occur every day. Who would have guested that a hundred and forty characters would change we communicate?
In today’s society, much advancement has been made throughout the universe. However, one that seems to stand out in particular is the use of social media. Social media has both positive and negative effects on society. This advancement has led to a difference in communication to everyone by reconnecting with others, or even informing the public nationwide through televisions such as the news or talk shows. However, is social media safe to use? Social media has a great impact on everyone in society. While allowing your children or teenagers to engage in social media a few things to consider are the risks of youth using social media, what age is too young, and also how social media is useful in some cases. Children participate in cyber bullying now and even find themselves involved in bad habits, such as sexting (Schurgin O’Keefe). According to a recent poll conducted, over 22 percent of teenagers log onto their social media site more than ten times a day (Schurgin O’Keefe). Not everything is negative towards social media, but there are precautions that need to be taken when there is the youth involved.
Twitter and Instagram are Social Media sites that allow users to communicate with others. Twitter is used to communicate small thoughts. Pe...
... much social media can affect teens GPA in school because many teens tend to be socializing in school and their grades begin to suffer. Also social media can affect social health; for example, it can lead to cyber bulling. Then that teen will not want to attend school because that teen living on constant fear of being bullied. Most dangerous of all, it can give away your identity. For theses reasons parents should limit their teens use no matter up set their teens might get. It will be more beneficial in the long run.
Today social media has become a big influence on society. There are many different social media sites that allow people to interact with others. Such social media sites are Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. There are many more different sites, but these are the popular networks that are being used today. These sites allow you to connect with anybody you want to. Social media sites can make you feel connected with others and seem like the best thing, but at the same time it can be a weakness that many of us have.
Twitter allows me to share posts, as well as receive them from any users wishing to interact. The “popular micro blogging tool” (Java, Finin, Song & Ting, 2007, p.1) keeps the reader connected with the like-minded community, through hashtags, retweets and trends. The profile of a twitter page is still an important platform for presenting ones online identity, regardless of how fixed the profiles aesthetics are. This means the core of the page lies within status updates, allowing the user to “type oneself into being” (Helmond, 2010).
Social media has become a major epidemic in today’s society. According to millions of people have signed up on social media websites, allowing their basic information to be shared with the world wide web. Two of the biggest social media websites today are Facebook and Twitter. The new generation tends to use Twitter over Facebook, the older generation prefer Facebook over Twitter. Though Facebook and Twitter serve the same purpose and have many similarities, they both differ in many ways.
Social media has token a huge step from when it first started. The more the years go by there are new trends and new technology that continues to grow. As the newer technology comes out, the younger the kids are getting their hands on the new gadgets. As a result our younger generation begins to get into the internet having their own accounts to multiple social media websites. Kids don’t realize what they can get themselves into when they get an account, it can lead them to older people (child molesters, Perverts, ect.). Since 2011, teen Twitter use has grown significantly from 16% to 24% (Pew Internet & American Life Project, 2013). These social media accounts can make it easier to cyber bully there victim. Most importantly it takes away their
The Popularity of Social Networking Sites In recent years, social networking sites have rapidly gained popularity among people of all ages. A large number of people have registered and become members of some social networking sites, such as Facebook, Twitter, and WeChat. Also, people spend a lot of time on these sites chatting, playing games, and making friends. Social networking sites have become a part of people’s lives.
Nowadays, social media is growing very rapidly throughout the whole world. Social media has changed the way that we communicate with others through using these common social networking sites like Face book, Twitter, and Instagram…For that, social media has positively and negatively impacted our life.
Social media is becoming the most important and influential technological advancement in our country since the internet was created in the 1960s. For the longest time people were only limited to e-mails to make communication to one another and there were no large scale social media sites available. However, the internet started taking off in the early 2000s as new generations started bringing to the table new and more advanced ideas. Facebook was invented in 2004, where people were able to connect with whoever they wanted throughout the world to communicate and be able to share anything. On their
The growth of social networking is one of the fastest growing digital trends to exist. Many social networking sites boast with millions if not billions of members. Prominent examples of these social sites are Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn. Members of these networks use them daily to communicate, share various types of information or to collaborate with other members.