Snapchat Spectacles Marketing Plan

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Snapchat Spectacles are a new product in the market that have been released by Snap Inc. Snap Inc is the company that owns Snapchat. Snapchat Spectacles are camcoder glasses. The smart glasses have cameras that allows one to take snapchats from a perspective point of view and then upload them to Snapchat. This new technology has made people to run to various vending machines to buy it. Its demand is so high. They can record 10 second videos which can be uploaded to Snapchat instantly. They are an adoration for tech savvy users. To create a higher demand, Snapchat have not opened up its stock to the masses. The glasses are sold in limited quantities. They have been placed in specific vending machines and as a result, they have created a big consumer craving. The specific vending machines where these spectacles are placed are called snapbots. These snapbots are located in different locations throughout the country. The location of the specific snapbot loction is normally updated only hours before. As a result, it creates a frenzy mood. How to get a pair. …show more content…

All of these methods are not easy though. As explained above, you can get luck and buy them in snapbots. This is the cheapest way of getting the spectacles but it is very difficult. It is a difficult method because no one knows where a snapbot will appear. It sometimes takes long before a new snapbot is named after one snapbot sells out. One is therfore required to monitor the tracker throughout with the hope that a snapbot appears near where they are. Because the snapbots gets sold out very fast, one can travel along distance and still miss

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