How to Insert and Remove Contacts for Beginners

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I’ve worn glasses ever since I was in the 5th grade up until now. I only had three pairs of eye glasses throughout the years. I really didn’t like wearing my glasses because they had a glare on them when I took pictures. I felt left out because most of my friends didn’t wear glasses. Now since I’m older and mature, I decided that I should get contact lenses. I went to the eye doctor and scheduled an appointment to get my eyes fitted to see what contacts worked best for my eyes. Getting fitted for contacts is a very long process. I had about four different trial pairs of contacts that I had to tryout every week before I got my prescription for them. It took a couple of weeks to get use to inserting them in my eyes and removing them. I thought it was going to take forever. To the beginners who want to know how to prepare for your contacts, how to insert your contacts, and how to remove your contacts.
To begin with, you will need to use the following; a sink, hand soap, paper towels. Before you do anything with your eyes, you want to make sure that your hands are clean and free of any...

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