Slow Learner Essay

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My learning style varies from course to course. I’m a fast leaner in a class where there’s lots of hands on work, sort of slow in math, and not a fast learner in classes like History. I tend to lose interest in History class. Especially when there’s a lot of notes, and I get lost in the lecture part of it. I loved reading books for my 091 English class that actually held my attention; Otherwise, I probably would not have learned anything. I am not a fast learner, but I can focus long enough to get the work done. If people are talking and being loud, I can’t focus. As long as I have a clean and quiet space I can focus. In my ideal learning space, I would have candy, a clear liquid (so my paper won’t get stained), extra pencils and sharpeners, a lot of paper and plenty of light. My favorite candy to eat while I’m working is something that won’t stain my fingers while I’m working. So I’d get like gummy sour worms, gummy …show more content…

A slow learner is someone who can’t process as fast as others. They usually ask for extra help after class. This isn’t a good thing in most cases. That’s only because some classes move at a fast pace. In math class it tends to move face because there’s so much lessons to get through. It’s like cramming so many lessons into one semester. Never been a fast leaner, but I’m an efficient one. I can move at a fast pace if I’ve done it before or something similar to it. I can’t follow along if the teacher is moving too fast. It usually takes me a few tries to get the hang of something. In math class students shout out answers, and I’m still trying to solve the problem. Few seconds after they say the answer I’m like “oh, that’s how they got that”. Math isn’t a strong suit of mine. I tend to lack of and then get help from a family member or classmate. One on one’s help a lot, and I learn by following along. But in class of approximately thirty students one on one’s don’t really

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