Skateboarding Persuasive Essay

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It is beneficial for everyone to get some fresh air and enjoy the scenery in their cities. Many like to take strolls, others like to play sports. One sport in particular that allows people to enjoy the outdoors is skateboarding. Skateboarding has been popular for many people in Jerrytown for a long time, and has allowed them to appreciate the city. However, there is a proposal for a ban on the skateboards. I believe this ban will be detrimental to the city and its growth. The city should stop the passing of the skateboard ban because skateboarding revitalizes the city’s culture and economy, protects the park from crime, and allows people to move around the town.
Although many of the people who skateboard at Hollyfield Park are local residents of Jerrytown, not all of them are. Hollyfield Park is a popular place that attracts talented skateboarders from all around the globe, including world-renowned professionals. These skilled and artistic athletes contribute to the culture of the town, as well as entice people from out-of-town to come and visit …show more content…

However, one must consider how an accident is not completely the skateboarder’s fault. If a pedestrian fails to observe their surroundings and walk into where someone is skateboarding, a collision could occur, but it is not wholly the fault of the skateboarder. Furthermore, the main goal when one is skateboarding is to stay on their board and have good direction and control—skateboarders are not trying to run in to people as many approvers of the ban are insinuating. All of the accidents are unintentional and can be prevented as long as both the skateboarders and pedestrians are aware of their surroundings. Moreover, I believe it is more sensible to propose a fine for the damage of property rather than for the use of skateboards themselves, that way, skateboarders will learn to be more careful when using them at the

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