Simon Stawski

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Although starting out in poverty, Simon Stawski has risen astronomically on the scale of success and is now one of the co-founders for the prosperous business: Eatyourkimchi in Seoul, South Korea. However, the path to his current life was a long and bumpy one and he faced many herdles, from language barriers, to education, to understanding how to socialize. But through it all, Stawski prevailed; and his troubles in the end, only encouraged him to strive for success all the more.
When Stawski was born, his parents had only recently moved from Poland to Canada and were still unfamiliar with the English language. Because o this, Stawski learned Polish first and only learned English later on when he and his mother be came Sesamae street fanatics.
The issue with the English language flowed over to his parents and caused them trouble when they tried to find work. In fact, his father, who had once been a successful business man in Poland was now delivering pizzas and his mother, who had also been successful in Poland was now a maid in Canada, cleaning hotels.
“I was never aware of the sacrafices they made when I was younder and truly appreciate them now. I wish that I could repay them somehow. I love you mom and dad.” Stawski says
Simon Stawski
Page #: 2 when elaborating on why his parents moved to Canada in the first place – all in the hope that their children would have better lives in Canada than in Poland.

When it comes to schooling, Stawski excelled and enjoyed it. He says what made his early school years so enjoyable was that his teachers constantly praised him on his work. “I’d be so freaking honored.” He explained.
Simon did so well in fact, that when given the choice to skip grade three, he took it. “It sounded like a go...

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...nd stuff. So is there a moral to the story? I’m not sure. Never take your partner for granted, move somewhere else and experience something new, where you end isn’t where you begin, things change, things get worse, things get better.” Stawski says when asked if there is a moral to the story of his life. It is obvious by this quote that Simon Stawski is an outlier: ‘where you end isn’t where you begin.’ It demonstrades the basic ideloligy that an outlier must have in order to be successful.

Works Cited

Any and all information in the essay above, I got from the wesite:
The majority of the information I used can be found on Simon Stawski’s: Draw my life video on
Can also be found on the Eatyourkimch YouTube page:

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