An Analysis Of The Jungle By Upton Sinclair

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In the early 1900's life for America's new Chicago immigrant workers in the meat packing industry was explored by Upton Sinclair's novel The Jungle. Originally published in 1904 as a serial piece in the socialist newspaper Appeal to Reason, Sinclair's novel was initially found too graphic and shocking by publishing firms and therefore was not published in its complete form until 1906. In this paper, I will focus on the challenges faced by a newly immigrated worker and on what I feel Sinclair's purpose was for this novel.

In the early 1900's a newly arrived immigrant worker faced numerous challenges that had to be overcome. Often times literally arriving with the clothes on their back and a few meager dollars, it was crucial for these individuals to find work and lodging as soon as possible.

The first challenge faced by this individual was the language. Not speaking English places this person at a severe disadvantage when trying to hold even a simple conversation. When trying to attain work, lodging or even food it becomes a grave handicap and an almost impenetrable barrier. Many capitalistic members of American society utilized this handicap to their advantage as a means to swindle and outright steal from the newly arrived immigrants.

Making enough money to survive while protecting what they already had became the second challenge for the freshly arrived immigrant. Smooth talking sales people, corrupt politicians, and a legal system that favored the capitalistic establishment all seemed to work together to disenfranchise the immigrant population at every opportunity.

Throughout Sinclair's novel we see illustrations of corruption at every level. Examples of these acts include the following: Union men who get people ...

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...y where one can make if they work hard enough and take the right chances is just too strong to be ignored.

Second the monopolistic giants and ‘ultra-rich' individuals of that era would have insured that any progress towards a Socialist state would quickly be quashed. The corrupt politicians of that day were too ingratiated to this elite group and most likely would have been put into play to assist with putting down what would be considered at best a social rebellion.

In conclusion, I feel that Sinclair's novel was a success, but not in the way he intended. His expose dealing with the meat packing industry was too graphic to be ignored and became the focus of the country instead of his message for Socialist reform which while not ignored did not catch on with the intensity he desired leaving the immigrant population to continue fending for themselves in the jungle.

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