Similarities Between Sugar And Soda

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Sugar and Soda Soda has way too many unhealthy ingredients in it. But the main one is sugar. Sugar can either be good for you or it can be really bad for you. It depends on how much of it you put in your body. Many people ask how sugar affects your body and health. The main sources that sugar affects in our body are your heart and your teeth. The people who drink more soda or beverages with a lot of sugar in it, have more chances of having a heart attack, than others who don’t drink that much. Also, people who drink one glass or can of soda a day increase their risk of having chronic heart disease. Each time you take a sip of soda, sugar bonds with the bacteria. And this gives a rise to the acid, then the acid weakens the enamel. This process …show more content…

Soda is the common name for a group of compounds that contain sodium. Those sodium compounds are manufactured from salt, and this is made up of sodium and chlorine. An important compound is sodium carbonate. People often call this Sal Soda, Washing Soda, or Soda Ash. This comes in crystals or white powder and has a strong alkaline reaction. Alkaline Reaction mean it neutralizes acids. It’s also used in the manufacturing of glass, soap, and paper. You can also use it as a disinfectant, a cleaning agent, or water softener. Another type of common sodium compound is Sodium Bicarbonate. This is a popular soda used in cooking, medicines, and baking soda. When baking soda is in sodium bicarbonate, it acts as a leavening agent because it causes bread, biscuits, and pastries to rise in baking. Seidlitz powder also contains sodium bicarbonate. “Seidlitz powders are a laxative preparation that contains tartaric acid, sodium potassium tartrate, and sodium bicarbonate, and that effervesces when mixed with water”(Dictionary). People often use this powder to relieve excess stomach acid. The last sodium compound is Sodium Hydroxide. This sodium compound is also known as “Caustic Soda or Lye”. It’s widely used in the manufacturing of industrial chemicals, rayon, paper, or soap. Also, it’s used in the production of the aluminum and petroleum

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