Should Teachers Carry Guns In Schools Essay

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The President, law-makers and Americans are pushing for teachers to carry guns, which would bring additional risks, promote gun violence, would be costly, and require regulations, when there are alternatives to fight the gun violence in America’s schools.

Teachers carrying guns would pose more safety risks than benefits to the students they aim to protect. This type of protection could turn into a threat by accidental injury or death. For example, a teacher in California accidentally shot his gun while teaching a public safety class injuring three students, and another incident in Virginia with no injuries (Caron). As Christina Caron notes, shortly after President Trump implies that teachers should carry guns, these guns brought in by teachers …show more content…

With little or no experience in stopping a gunman a teacher may mistakenly shoot the wrong person. Student by-standers could get hurt from cross fire, bullet fragments or just by the teacher not having good aim. Kate Murphy writes an article interviewing a teacher, expressing that she wants to protect her students with any means possible and that every teacher should because they can defend against a threat before authorities could arrive (Hansen ‘’). Others may agree that teachers should carry guns to protect the students. Without exploring the risks this seems like a quick and inexpensive resolution to the problem. Although, having guns present daily leaves more probability of accidents than the possibility of a shooter threat. Additionally, the presence of guns has the potential to cause the “weapons effect” that could cause more violent altercations. In the 1960’s Leonard Berkowitz and Anthony LePage did a study on how people react when they are in the presence of guns. In this study people who seen guns reacted more aggressive toward people that had irritated them, which was then called the “weapons effect” (Bushman). According to Brad Bushman, Ph.D., just seeing a weapon can make

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