Argumentative Essay: Should Teachers Carry Guns?

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Teachers And Guns
“Since 2013, there have been over 200 school shootings in America, an average of nearly one a week”(Everytown Research). How safe is our family members at school? Allowing teachers and staff to carry guns could lower that number. Some people may disagree with it, saying that it would be teaching students violence. School shootings would be a thing of the past if staff were armed.
Allowing teachers to carry guns could help lower school shootings. “While some believe tighter gun controls are the answer, others believe the best solution comes in giving more people — like teachers and administrators — more training and more access to firearms that can save lives as well as take them away” (Evensen guns and teachers). “Our organization …show more content…

“For schools in rural areas like Harrold High School in north Texas, the right for teachers to carry guns is a comfort to staff and students alike” (Christian Should Teachers Carry Guns). “After 20 children and six adults were fatally shot by a gunman armed with assault weapons at Sandy Hook Elementary School in 2012, gun advocates, and even some government officials, claimed the massacre could have been prevented if the school personnel inside had been carrying guns” (Mettler Washington Post). “The administration states that they feel safer knowing that, should an intruder enter the school, teachers are ready to jump into action”(Christian Should Teachers Carry Guns). “They also explain because of their rural location, by the time the rescue squads would reach the school, it could be too late”(Christian Should Teacher Carry Guns).
On the side if teachers were to carry guns students and parents may be more scared. “When violent force is upheld as safety, fear and silence creep in”(Corbett huffington post). “Kids get their hands on guns, and they know how to use them”( Corbett huffington post). “I have a patient who recalls his silent car rides with his father who kept two guns under the driver’s seat. Silently the boy watched, on guard, even though nothing ever happened. But then again nothing was ever

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