Teachers should be allowed to carry guns

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With all of the school shootings that have happened lately I’m sure that most parents would want their child protected at any cost. As of January 2014, there had been an average of one school shooting every other school day. What are the schools doing to protect our kids when they are away from us at school? What more can be done to protect them? We are not able to be with our kids while they are at school, but we surely want to know that if a gunman does try to enter the school, there are measures in place to protect them. Should teachers be allowed to carry a handgun while in class? In my position argument I will discuss reasons that I feel that teachers should be able to carry while in class. Teachers play a very important role in our kid’s lives on a daily basis. Not only are they there as educators, but they are also there as protectors as well, especially for our younger students. They are not only there to watch over them and make sure that they get home safely, but they are there to protect them from any harm, including a gunman. If a gunman were to enter the school and some if not all of the teachers were licensed to carry, he could be stopped before harming or even killing several people, including our children. I have discussed this argument with several people and most of them are against teachers carrying guns while teaching. One main concern that I have heard is, “what if the teacher is having a bad day”, or “what if they decide to take it out on the students? And then I remind them that teacher’s go through a very rigid background investigation and are trusted individuals! We must trust our teachers and their judgment. If we feel comfortable enough with these teachers to send our kids to them five days a week, f... ... middle of paper ... ..., 12 students and one teacher and both perpetrators. This school shooting is somewhat different because there was one police officer on duty at the school who was carrying a weapon, however not one teacher was licensed to carry. Once again had there been someone physically on the campus that was carrying a handgun there’s a possibility that these two would not have been able to cause so much bloodshed either. Wouldn’t you feel a great sense of relief if you knew that your child was being protected at all cost while at school? Teachers carry a lot of weight on their shoulders just by walking into the classroom daily. This added level of security would not only protect our children but it also protects the teachers and other staff members as well. Teachers being allowed to carry handguns while in class should be a discussion that every parent should have.

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