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Pros to less gun control
Pros to less gun control
What are the pros and cons of gun laws
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Concealed Weapons should be permitted on College Campuses Gun-control laws are a very controversial topic right now in the U.S., especially when it comes to allowing concealed-carry holders on college campuses. Nevertheless, guns should be permitted for concealed carry on college campuses if the carriers have concealed-carry licenses because mass shootings occur mostly in gun-free zones. There have been many incidents in which concealed-carry holders have disarmed attackers, and concealed-carry holders are overwhelmingly law-abiding citizens. However, the argument’s opponents believe guns should not be allowed on college campuses for various reasons, including: professors might be afraid to issue bad grades, a gun may go off by accident, college …show more content…
Why should a professor be afraid to issue a bad grade to a student legally carrying a gun when there also could be a student illegally carrying a gun that he or she doesn’t even know about? There aren’t checkpoints and pat-downs on college campuses to check whether anyone is carrying a gun. A student could walk onto campus with a book bag full of guns, and no one would know about it. Regardless of how a professor feels about the issue, laws are based on facts, not feelings.
Secondly, some people believe guns should not be allowed on campus because they may go off by accident. True, a gun may go off by accident, but according to, Students for Concealed Carry, out of 150 college campuses that allow concealed carry, there have been only three accidental discharges (Common). Two of them were by staff and one by a student. All three of the accidental discharges resulted in non-life-threatening discharges in which no one was injured (Common). All three incidents could have been prevented through proper training and practice, such as wearing a
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Whether or not someone believes guns should not be allowed on college campuses because professors might be afraid to issue a bad grade, a gun may go off by accident, college is an emotionally active environment, it would lead to more violent crime, and/or someone could spontaneously go on a killing spree, the evidence shows guns should be allowed on college campuses. People who use guns generally know how to operate them, most law enforcement officials are in favor of allowing people to carry guns, campuses where there are guns permitted see no increase in violent crimes, and people don’t just snap into a killing spree. In conclusion, here is one of my favorite
In “Stop Worrying About Guns in the Classroom. They’re Already here.” the author, Erik Gilbert, argues in favor of the law allowing the concealed carry of firearms in college campuses. Gilbert claims that it’s futile to be “worried by the prospect of having guns in [the] classroom” because he believes that even before the bill was passed, some students and faculty were already carrying firearms to campus (Gilbert). Furthermore, he insinuates that despite the presence of firearms, there were no incidents of student or faculty causing harm. To support his argument, the author provides incidents which have occurred over the last decade at his campus, such as accidental discharge of guns in dorms, firearms in student’s vehicles, and one faculty member who was discovered to be in possession of a gun in an on-campus facility. Considering these incidents and previous knowledge of “prevailing regional attitudes towards guns”, the author assumes that significant numbers of students, and possibly faculty, bring guns on campus regularly (Gilbert). As for those who are afraid due to the new law, he declares to them that firearm permit-holders are not dangerous by comparing the rate of their crimes to that of police officers. He also reasons that permit holders need to be at least 21 to qualify—claiming that the more mature students qualify—and have background checks performed.
Concealed weapons on college campuses have been a debatable issue for a long time now. “Statistically, colleges and universities are relatively safe environments for students, faculty, and administrators”, but will concealed carry affect this (Kirszner and Mandell, 626)?Supporters argue that being able to carry a concealed weapon lowers the percentage of shooting or accidents and that it is simply constitutional to have the right to bear arms. On the other hand, non-supporters believe that this will affect the way of learning in school, and raise anxiety. While it is true that having a concealed weapon can make the person holding it feel safe, we should not allow it because it may bring more negative rather than positive things into the college campuses.
People who disagree with me think that there should be concealed gun carry on college campuses because it will make the students safer in a risky situation by making the students able to shoot down and stop the shooter. Students for Concealed Carry, an organization for concealed gun carry on campus, say, “The crux of the SGFS essay is the undeniable fact that college campuses typically have lower crime rates than the cities in which they reside” (642). In “Why Our Campuses Are Safer Without Concealed Handguns”, an article against concealed handgun carry, states that, “Our colleges and universities are safe sanctuaries for learning.” (633).
One of those ways is accidental shooting. Guns on campus may lead to accidental shootings. Not every student is a professional gun handler who knows how to use a gun. Accidental shootings are very common because people lack the basic gun training. “The potential for accidental discharge or misuse of firearms at on-campus or off-campus parties where large numbers of students are gathered or at student gatherings where alcohol or drugs are being consumed, as well as the potential for guns to be used as a means to settle disputes between or among students. There is also a real concern that campus police officers responding to a situation involving an active shooter may not be
Taking privileges away from the majority of mentally stable, healthy, hard working Americans just because a percentage of alcoholics, drug addicts, gang members, and mentally ill individuals are to blame for the school shootings, murders and suicides, would just be insane. So, why is the government trying to implement more strict gun laws for the people that don't do these heinous crimes. The debate on if the government should take the guns away from all the citizens in order to stop these crimes would not stop those who are committing the crimes in the first place. Then, the question would be, how would we know who really has the guns and where they are?
College is seen as the beginning of young adult life, but campus crime can prevent the continuation of that life.Yet, campuses still prohibit students from carrying essential self defense weapons. This is most likely due to their ignorance of the benefits involved with allowing campus carry. Campus carry improves the overall environment of a college and promotes safety. Students should be allowed to carry guns on campus due to the current lack of protection offered through the university and an individual’s lawful right, despite the belief that it would cause an escalation in violent crime.
Concealed weapons in college campus’s have been a big issue since the mass shootings in Virginia Tech and Northern Illinois Universities. Allowing for guns to be allowed in college campus’s would be a bad thing to do since it would create additional risks for students, even if weapons were allowed it wouldn’t deter the shooter, and it would detract from a healthy learning environment. So far there is only five states , Colorado, Mississippi, Oregon, Utah, and Wisconsin, that allow “concealed carry” at school campus.
Guns should be banned from all college campuses nationwide. Many students, teachers, and college presidents strongly oppose hidden, loaded guns on campuses because it will lead to increased violence, accidental shootings, and the non-carrying public would feel unsafe around the carrying public. If all elementary to high schools have a strict ban on guns for their campuses, it seems logical to extend the ban up to higher education. Now that it is more common for students in high school to take dual classes on a college campus, extending would ensure safety of the minors. Guns have a purpose at other arenas, but on a campus that is intended for learning and education it would be best to keep
College campuses are more dangerous than ever because of the past decade; guns have not only been manufactured in excess, but availability and ease of accessibility. According to James Cool (2008), a supporter of guns on campus, reasoned why the increase of weapons occurred recently; “Our nation was founded … during the same time that modern firearms were invented and became readily available due to the Industr...
In the article, “Campus carry is problematic, but not dangerous”, Mac McCann discusses the issue of campus carry, specifically on the University of Texas at Austin campus. He opens by making it clear as an alum of UT he does not approve of Texas SB 11. This change allows concealed handguns in the buildings of public universities and, overall, the UT community has not welcomed it. McCann supports his position against the campus carry policy by providing anecdotes from professors tied to UT. One of the first examples was from Daniel Hamermesh, an economics professor at UT prior to campus carry, that pointed out that this new law has made it so that an unhappy student could, more easily, cause violence in the classroom and threaten everyone’s safety. Furthermore, Siva Vaidhyanathan, a former candidate for a dean position, explained that classrooms are places of discussion and the introduction of a weapon could make those participating hold back out of fear. Although McCann’s position is
Due to the recent disruption of violent crimes on campus, many citizens that are pro-gun activist have suggested that both the students and teachers should be allowed to carry concealed weapons on school campuses. Those who are with guns allowed on school campuses claim that their rights have been violated for the reason that many college campuses refuse to allow weapons of any kind on their property. The Constitution of The United States of America already grants citizens the right to carry guns with them. It is not appropriate for guns to be in a vulnerable area such as a college campus or any University. There are already too many guns available to the public or easy to get any kind of gun, and allowing them on
In the past years, several schools and college campuses have suffered many shooting attacks, killing innocent people who just want to become professional and finish their careers. Those shooters have been caused by other students that might have personal or mental problems that make them think that they can solve their problems by shooting and killing people. This is why many people are arguing about the second amendment, if guns should be allowed on college campuses. Some arguments are: students are going to be more secure and they will be able to defend themselves in case that someone starts shooting. However, there is also a large amount of people who believe that if guns are allowed on college campuses there would be an increase of
The subject of allowing teachers and faculty to conceal and carry guns in schools has always been a very difficult topic for most people. On one side of the fence, people want teachers and faculty to carry guns in school because of all the recent school shootings. Then you have those who think that letting teachers and faculty carry guns in a school is a bad thing for multiple reasons. There is one more group that is in the middle that want to teachers and faculty to carry weapons into schools, but with heavy restrictions.
However college campuses residing in the states of Colorado, Idaho, Kansas,Mississippi, Oregon, Texas, Utah Wisconsin and Texas, have not reported a single shootout, accident, or a heated confrontations do to a single college student carrying a legally concealed weapon on campus. The reason colleges don't want guns on campus is because they are already a safe environment. But, a crime statistic carried out by the Department of Justice has calculated a 25% chance of women being raped, and collages feel that bringing weapons on campus would lead to an increase in homicides, and suicides. However the same crime statistic by the Department of Justice has also stated that colleges that allow concealed weapons on campus have an overall low crime
The President, law-makers and Americans are pushing for teachers to carry guns, which would bring additional risks, promote gun violence, would be costly, and require regulations, when there are alternatives to fight the gun violence in America’s schools.