Guns Should Be Banned In Schools Essay

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Taking privileges away from the majority of mentally stable, healthy, hard working Americans just because a percentage of alcoholics, drug addicts, gang members, and mentally ill individuals are to blame for the school shootings, murders and suicides, would just be insane. So, why is the government trying to implement more strict gun laws for the people that don't do these heinous crimes. The debate on if the government should take the guns away from all the citizens in order to stop these crimes would not stop those who are committing the crimes in the first place. Then, the question would be, how would we know who really has the guns and where they are? Law abiding citizens are afraid of mass shootings, murders, and losing their …show more content…

It's not your everyday ordinary citizen that commits these crimes. It's the ones that are lonely, on an anti-depressants, anxiety, or mood stabilizer due to not feeling accepted, the practicing of drug use illegally and the young adults that abuse medicine chest medications. Those are the people that should be held responsible for the mass shootings, murders, and the robberies that happen at a 7-Eleven and other mom and pop stores to anything that involves a psychotropic drug. How're guns to blame when the drugs are easier to get, easier to abuse, and harder to control? Why do they point fingers at the guns when on the news they never tell anyone that little "John" (not a real person involved) was addicted to painkillers and couldn't control his addiction one day so he lost it and went to the elementary school down the road and killed two classes full of kids? Even though a perfect society does sound amazing, you won't be able to get rid of the problems of mass shootings, murders, suicides, or any other crime that the government feels is caused by guns. So how do the government expect to take all guns when they don't know where they are, or who has

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