Should Schools Have Vending Machines?

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Vending Machines
I believe that schools should have vending machines. I say this because the food in vending machines attract more kids, so they would have options that they love; at the same time it would help with school profit, help with hunger, and actually save cafeteria food. A lot of schools are worried about child obesity when it comes to vending machines, but what they don't think about is that not all snacks have to be unhealthy. Many kids are very hungry during the day or miss breakfast due to waking up late or even their home situation. Having small snacks during the day can hold them off until lunch or even further notice. First, a bonus to vending machines would be because it can help with school profit. The money from the vending machines can go towards new technology or other important school funds to help aid in the student's education. Schools with vending machines usually see about 15,000 to 20,000 per year in sales. Overall a little bit of money can help anything in the school, no matter how small; it can be something important. Even with field trips for certain classes, events like this would be fun for everyone. It could all happen with a little bit of extra money from a vending machine! …show more content…

Some students are in a rush or have things to do before school so they don't get to eat breakfast. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day and plus, it is harder to learn on an empty stomach. With vending machines, students can stop by it real quick in between classes and it will hold them off until they next time the student eats. Kids have smaller stomach than adults and can't necessarily eat enough to stay full in a general sitting. Statistically, at least 2 snacks a day added to your 3 meals around the high school age is healthier than starving yourself, then only eating about 1 or 2 meals a

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