Should Muslim Students Get Paid?

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Muslims all over the world regardless of nationality, ethnicity, race or color participate in fasting for the entire month of Ramadan (Travel). Ramadan is the monthly fasting from sunrise to sunset for all Muslims all around the world and the month changes every year because it’s based on the lunar calendar. Ramadan has been happening during the summer since 2011 but in 2016 Ramadan began during the end of the school year, and that means that Muslim students have to take final exams while they’re fasting and while they’re fasting they get tired, thirsty, hungry, and get headaches really easily which would cause lower grade scores. The question is should public schools make final exams earlier for Muslim students because of Ramadan?
The consequences could mean not only lower grades for the individuals but also poorer performance for their school in league tables. Schools should consider how best to support staff and students during this time (Ramadan during Exam). Without eating a good …show more content…

In fact, Ramadan will fall during the summer exam period in 2017, 2018 and 2019 too, and exam boards, as they did this year, will take this into account (Why Shouldn't Exams). The advice that we received from Muslim clerics indicates that there can be some relaxation on fasting, people can make up the fasting time at a later date outside from Ramadan (Espinoza). Even if the students are allowed to be exempt from fasting I don't think they would want to because that means they would have to fast the amount of days they missed after Ramadan and people just want to get fasting over with when Ramadan's done and as a Muslim they believe they get less good deeds from

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