Should High School Students Play Sports

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About 55.5% of high school kids play a sport. The grades of students are not as stellar as they used to be. The character and attitude of youth are arrogant. And, with the health conditions of American kids as is, it is obvious students need to continue playing sports. First, the belief of sports helping students’ grades will be expressed.

The grades of students are decreasing. American kids are not putting forth the effort that is needed in order to pass the classes they are taking. In a survey conducted by the Minnesota State High School League it showed that the average GPA of a student athlete was 2.84, while the average GPA of a student not involved in sports was a 2.68. The Wisconsin Interscholastic Athletics Association (WIAA) rules …show more content…

The more junior and high school students play sports, the less this image of Americans will appear. Sports help athletes learn that practice is required, no matter how much they’d rather be doing something more fun. Athletes learn persistence, and discover that by never giving up, they can achieve their goals. Learning to practice and having persistence teaches patience. The athletes learn that they won’t become better at anything in life if they don’t practice, and practice takes persistence and patients. Participating in athletics will also teach students to step up and be leaders in the classroom and community. They will learn how to take one for the team and to not be selfish. They learn to think about how their actions in the game and everywhere else will affect the team, skills that are needed in the real world. We don’t want to be looked upon as arrogant, snobby, selfish, or lazy, therefore students need to continue playing sports. Finally, the thought of a healthier America will be …show more content…

A report from the National Federation of State High School Associations (NFHS) suggests that females in which partake athletically, have improved their body mass and weight. It is obvious that sports help students and many others stay fit, but they also help students stay out of other unhealthy habits, such as poisonous substances. In the same study conducted by NFHS, it shows that youth who don’t participate in extracurricular activities are 49% more likely to use drugs and 37% more likely to become a teen parent than those who participate in extracurricular activities like sports. When you are physically active in sports, your mind is distracted by the everyday stressors. Exercise reduces levels of stress hormones in your body. We don’t want to become stressed out and fat, thus, every student should be involved in some extracurricular activities, such as sports. Now, the idea of athletics being bad for students will be

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