Short-term or Brief CounselingTherapy and the Current Mental Health System

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Short-term or Brief CounselingTherapy and the Current Mental Health System Abstract “Short-term” or “Brief Counseling/Therapy” and the current mental health system seem to be inexorably linked for at least the foreseeable future. This paper discusses the history, objectives, appropriate clientele, efficacy, and the other benefits, and short comings, of this therapeutic/counseling modality and its relevance to my present career direction, College Counseling. Cognitive-behavioral, Psychodynamic, and Gestalt applications of brief therapy/counseling methods will be addressed. For a working definition of short-term or brief therapy/counseling I would like to quote a couple of authors on the subject. Wells (1982) states that, “Short -term treatment, as I shall use the term, refers to a group (or family) of related interventions in which the helper deliberately and planfully limits both the goals and duration of contact”(p. 2). Nugent (1994) says that, “In contrast to traditional therapies, brief counseling and therapies (or time-limited therapies) set specific goals and specify that the number of sessions will be limited.” He then adds that, “Counselors using brief therapy approaches help clients develop coping skills that will enable them to anticipate and manage future problems more effectively”(p. 96). In short, brief counseling/therapy is more directive and time-limited, regardless of the particular therapeutic theory being employed. The counselor assumes an active instead of a passive role in his relationship with the client. Due to budget constraints, the rising cost of mental-h... ... middle of paper ..., 28, 4-7. Gurman, A. S., & Kniskern, D. P. Research on marital and family therapy: Progress, perspective and prospect. In S. L. Garfield and A. E. Bergin (Eds.), Handbook of psychotherapy and behavior change: An empirical analysis (2nd ed.). New York: Wiley, 1978. Nugent, F. A. An Introduction to the Profession of Counseling (2nd ed.). New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, 5, pp. 96-98, 16, pp. 356-358. Saposnek, D. T. Short-Term Psychotherapy. In Personality And Behavioral Disorders (2nd ed.). New York: John Wiley, 33, pp. 1031-1068 Small, L. The briefer psychotherapies. (Rev. ed). New York: Brunner/Mazel, 1, pp.5. Stone, G. L., & Archer, J., Jr. (1990). College and university counseling centers in the 1990s: Challenges and limits. The Counseling Psychologist, 18, 539-607. Wells, R. A. Planned Short-Term Treatment. New York: The Free Press, 1, pp. 1-20.

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