Shippensburg University Personal Goals

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Personal Goals Statement I strongly believe that it is important to train up our youth within our communities because the youth will one day be our future leaders. I have made it a personal mission of mine to become heavily involved both on campus and back in my community with leadership positions so I can hone my skills and began to develop leaders and mentor those under me. At Shippensburg University I have participated in numerous programs such as new student panels, I served as the Multi-Cultural & Diversity student senator, and held workshops at four leadership conferences through Shippensburg University. Back in my community I have been working with the Boys & Girls Club of America for the past seven years, two as a volunteer and five as a worker. Through all these positions of leadership I have found that a vast majority of youth or first year students have never thought about college or once getting accepted and upon their arrival have no idea what to expect. This is one problem that I have …show more content…

I am a firm believer that in order to be a great leader you must first learn how to follow. After running my course as an undergraduate at Shippensburg University, I feel as there is no better place for me to further my education and skills than at Shippensburg University. The tightknit family that Shippensburg University’s faculty offers has allowed me to become comfortable enough to ask the difficult questions. Questions like how a change could be made on the campus could be made to increase diversity and understanding amongst the students. Questions like how do we educated children in our communities to understand that college is not just a formality, but it is necessary and provides a great platform for students to find their place in

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