Shamrock Shakes Research Paper

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Do Shamrock Shakes from McDonald’s actually affect your health? A single Small Shamrock Shake has 530 calories and 15 grams of sugar! People these days don’t realize what they are eating and putting into their systems. Some people do know, but don’t care. Maybe they should. This report will let you know what is in a shamrock shake from McDonalds and what these shakes can do to you. Also, how to burn the calories from one shake, a little about the shakes, and one very interesting story about a man who consumed a large amount of them and how it affected him. You can have your own opinion, but first, let me share the facts. Some people will say it is not a major problem. They say that there are bigger problems in the world. Nobody has died from …show more content…

Not only are the calories high, the frozen treat is filled with many additives, such as food dyes that can cause adverse health effects. They contain artificial vanilla flavor that includes lignin, which is a byproduct of wood pulp extract. Lignin has been known to cause headaches and migraines. The whipped cream has carrageenan, which is used to thicken the cream. The ingredients in shamrock shake can even cause colon cancer if you have enough of it. There is a combination of yellow 5 or 40 red and sodium benzoate, which is linked to hyperactivity in children. There are over 50 ingredients packed into just one shake, and they are not natural. One main ingredient is vanilla reduced fat ice cream, which is made up of 15 ingredients of its own. The special shamrock shake syrup contains 10 ingredients. Placed on top of the whipped cream is a maraschino cherry. Many ingredients in these shakes cause acne, ADHD, allergies, blood sugar imbalances, cancer, chronic inflammatory diseases, fertility issues, colitis, headaches, hyperactivity, skin conditions, and obesity. The list goes on and on and on. As you can see, these shakes really can be a …show more content…

There are many ways you can burn them. You would have to run 1 mile, do 100 burpees, 250 double unders, or 75 pushups. You would have to row 2,000 meters, do 200 situps, or 100 pull ups. It seems like a lot of work for a little bit of enjoyment. As I stated before a small shamrock shake from McDonald’s has 530 calories and 15 grams of fat. It costs $2.29. A medium shake costs $2.69 and has 660 calories and 19 grams of fat. Finally, the large shamrock shake contains 820 calories and 23 grams of fat, costing $3.49. I would say you're just paying for trouble, but people have other opinions. Some people say it’s a tradition, “They aren’t so bad, there are way worse things to eat.” “It’s a treat to have once a year, let it

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