Servant Leadership: Trust In Social, Economic, And Organizational Leadership

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Servant leadership is a philosophy and set of practices that enriches the lives of individuals, builds better organizations and ultimately creates a more just and caring world. The importance of trust in social, economic, and political organization is considered significantly. In studies, organizational trust known as a fundamental factor and the researchers believe that the organizations should creation trust in their employees while Organizational justice involves a consideration of the perceived fairness of social or economic exchanges involving individuals in their relations with supervisors and the organization as a social system (Nurse & Devonish, 2007). The negative or positive perceptions of employees as to the changes …show more content…

Greenleaf (1977), in his book, “The role of servant leader” he told that a servant leader should be a servant first. According to him, servant leadership is actually a feel which begins in a person internally and it’s the intrinsic desire to serve others. According to Nyhan (2000), a leader who preferred the employee’s benefits over his own benefits is perfectly playing the role of servant leadership. Servant leadership expresses personal reliability and helping the organizational related members consisting upon employees and customers as well (Liden, Wayne, Zhao & Henderson 2008). Ehrhart (2004), defined the seven aspects of servant leadership. According to him the first aspect of servant leadership is to create relationships with the employees by spending time with them and by filling the gap of communication with them. According to second aspect, the servant leaders should encourage the followers by cooperating with them for example they should consider their opinions and thoughts in every organizational decision. In third aspect he cleared that such leaders helps the employees consequent by giving them opportunities to enrich their skills. For the demonstration of principled values, servant leaders behave morally and follow their promises made with their followers to strengthen the demonstration of values. Such leaders, exhibit their conceptual expertise through daily routine. According to sixth aspect, they place their followers/employees first to enhance their abilities and for their progression. Then, according to last point, the servant leaders create values for workers in external activities by engaging them in community services as well rather than of organizational services. The variable of servant leadership causes an environment of trust among organizational members that, at last, ensures the organizational success (Reinke 2004). Servant leadership is not about comparing the less abilities of

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