Essay On Servant Leadership

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The unfamiliar idea of servant-leadership has been around for several centuries now. Robert Greenleaf made this idea popular in his classic essay, “The Servant as Leader” in which he brings up this unique idea of a servant-leadership. Greenleaf said, "The servant-leader is a servant first." What he meant by this is that the desire to serve is a fundamental characteristic of a servant-leader. It is not about being servile; it is about wanting to help others. He “believed that leaders should serve employees, customers, and the community.” While the unanimous decision of what exactly defines a servant leader has not been concluded, Greenleaf’s essays are the basis for today’s view on servant leadership. Throughout the basis of this course, we covered a variety of elements that a servant leader should possess and carry with his or herself both inside and outside of an organizational setting.
According to the text we analyzed in class, Seven Pillars of Servant Leadership by James Sipe and Don Frick, there are seven basic pillars that a servant leader should possess. This book offers the concrete, functional skills necessary to practice Servant Leadership; by doing exactly what Robert Greenleaf says: to lead by serving first. Included are the behaviors of integrity, courage, humility, accountability, empathy, persuasion, foresight, adaptability, collaboration, and moral authority, among various other skills. As Robert Greenleaf says, “Everything begins with the individual” and an effective servant-leader in today’s society needs two things: “an ego that values humility and Seven Pillars of Servant Leadership (Ken Melrose).” Rather than merely listing the characteristics of Servant Leadership as so many others have done, Seven Pillars...

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...nce of the Holy Spirit, a Servant Leader recognizes and fulfills needs in a loving and selfless manner, and motivates others to act as well. I truly believe in this quote and whether its saying a simple, “hello” to one another as they walk down the hall, or cleaning up after themselves at lunch, Everyone should actively be seeking to become a true servant leader, having Christ as their model and strength. I truly believe that I have developed some basic forms of servant leadership by listening to my colleagues, being empathetic, and being a man of strong character. My father has always told me this, “Be a man of character, and you will be the man you’ve always wanted to be.” I couldn’t agree more with this statement and by consistently putting forth the effort to serve and live a morally good life; you will become an effective servant-leader in the image of Christ.

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