Self-Fulfilling Prophecy

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What is a Self-Fulfilling Prophecy? Well, As defined the Self-Fulfilling Prophecy is when a prediction unknowingly comes true due to the fact a person had expectations of it being true. Within the year of 1948 Robert Merton study the influences of thoughts and behavior, of which we call self-fulfilling prophecy. They why he researched about the self-fulfilling prophecy he applied it to racial discrimination (Bearman and Hedstrom, 2009). When it comes to self-fulfilling prophecies it changes ones before and how they interact within the situation that they have predicted. As humans we determine how we interact with others based on information we hear, and based on the information given we already create a mindset for our behavior. Although …show more content…

We create a mindset on a bunch of influences that causes our behavior and actions to alter drastically. Whether we tend for it to happen or not it just happens. Many influences such as stereotypes can change our mindset that changes our behaviors. Although stereotypes are not accurate it’s still information that deters how we interact with others. Events that occur within our lives are the product of the outcomes of our self-fulfilling prophecy. Self-fulfilling prophecies can be either positive or negative, which determines how those particular events play out within one’s life. Our thoughts are the mold for our mindsets and …show more content…

Imposed by others is when one allows the thoughts of another person influence the way they may feel or act toward a person or a situation they be placed in. this type of self-fulfilling prophecy can be the must influential prophecy of all. Due to the fact we tend to look for other’s opinions. Suggestions, and comments to determine what is expectable or not. With this type of self-fulfilling prophecy we set our expectations and standards for others to follow and when that person doesn’t follow those expectation and standards then it is more then likely. An example of this would be if a person told you not to interact with another person because he/she has a bad attitude and is rude to others. Your thoughts are already conjuring the fact your not going to like the purpose and your actions will be negative towards the person your told not to talk to. Although the person can be very nice, you still wouldn’t give them a chance based on what you have heard or been told. With the works of Alison Smith, Lee Jussim, and Jacquelynee Eccles, “Do self-fulfilling prophecies accumulate, dissipate, or remain stable overtime?” they have shared that self-fulfilling prophecy varies to person to person. That it may changes overtime as one develops and figure out themselves (Smith. Jussim, Eccles,1999). Within this study it has shown that a persons mindset isn’t stable during their youth years to determine so cannot determine

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