Roadmap Self Assessment Examples

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Part of being a great leader is constantly improving. This requires an honest self-assessment of where you are at and what it will take to get better. I am the kind of person that performs best with a checklist and a plan, so I have developed a 3-5 year plan to use as a roadmap. In order to reach my destination I have a lot of work to do and a lot of feedback to receive. Let’s start with addressing what I want the destination to be, what the result of my 3-5 year plan will hopefully be. In 5 years I will have finally breathed a sigh of relief and walked away from my Military Training Instructor position. I plan on proudly wearing Master Sergeant stripes on my sleeve and embracing the SNCO role. Having come from a maintenance background I foresee the Air Force putting me back in a maintenance capacity as a Flight Chief. I plan on utilizing the key leadership takeaways from NCOA such as team roles, ethical behavior, seeing opportunity in change and spotting substance abuse. I want to be the type of leader that influences not just the …show more content…

I enjoy the process of bringing a plan to fruition, but there are equally important roles. This is not the only role that is required, several other team roles need to be filled. The creator spit balls the idea into fruition and passes it off to the Advancer. The Advancer uses their communication skills before the Refiner fine-tunes the Idea. Finally, the Executor sees it into existence. In order for me to grow into the SNCO I want to be I need to step out of my comfort zone and fill, or flex into, necessary team roles. By me filling these different roles I will be aware of what is required. This way as a top notch SNCO I can build my teams of Airmen according to their strengths, when working with my peers I can figure out who is filling which role and in order to be a good follower, when my leaders give a team assignment, I can flex into the necessary

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