Rhetorical Analysis Of The Know-It-Alls By Noam Cohen

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In ‘Enter Wikipedia, the “good cop” of the Internet’, Noam Cohen talks about the recent transformation of Wikipedia- from being a source with unreliable information, edited by non-experts, to a source that is considered trustworthy. Cohen is an American journalist. He was a technology columnist and author of the "Link by Link" column for the New York Times from 2007 to 2013.He is the author of the 2017 nonfiction book The Know-It-Alls: The Rise of Silicon Valley as a Political Powerhouse and Social Wrecking Ball, about the politics of Silicon Valley. Whether interviewing Julian Assange or writing about the early adopters of Bitcoin, Cohen spotlight the real people behind the companies and technology of Silicon Valley. His notably humane approach to the tech industry is exemplified in the obituary of the Wikipedia editor Adrianne Wadewitz. He is an author for the magazine …show more content…

He tried to prove his points through the words of others to present himself as a mere narrator of the facts rather than an analyzer. For example, Cohen quoted Susan Wojcicki, YouTube’s chief executive, as she said, “For each fanciful conspiracy peddled on YouTube, there soon would be a link to a corresponding article from Wikipedia.” This quote very convincingly exhibits Wikipedia’s growing among the corporate. Cohen’s article followed chronological descriptive style. He chronologically narrated the events to unfold the story of Wikipedia’s rise which has made it easier for the readers to trace the growth of Wikipedia and its relationship and interdependence with Google. He described in detail about the early days of Wikipedia, its challenges and finally overcoming those challenges. And he did not shy away to declare his delight over this unprecedented success of Wikipedia. “Wikipedia flourished while traditional, well-respected print publications, not least Encyclopedia Britannica, languished”, he

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