Restoring A Reputation

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The first step in restoring a reputation is taking action, meaning walking the walk and not just talking the talk. Having integrity and standing behind it is a good way to build and re-build your reputation as company. Many organizations fail due to not listening, so enhancing your listening skills will help in being aware of issues(Eccles, Newquist, & Schatz, 2007). Being able to have your reality to match your reputation is important as well, meaning do the right thing at all times and at all cost. It is important to be out front, and communicate your faults, your mistakes, your plans to fix it, and how it will not happen again. Having integrity will make sure that you do not hide behind your faults, but rather own up to them. Also, being …show more content…

Never have to worry about the robot calling in, being sick, or not performing. Also, they can produce the same amount of steel, with half the people, which will save on cost, and increase profits. The possibilities are endless with the implementation of the twinning process, from productivity, quality, and profit margins. By twinning, it also reduces the chances of the weaker company of failing and shutting down, which would leave employees out of work, instead creating an opportunity for the weaker company to learn from, and grow with the stronger business. They were also able to reduce the risk of injuries, by working smarter and not harder so to say, and saving on waste, which results in money …show more content…

The implementation of the robots are to blame for this. I have worked in companies that have been bought out, by a bigger company and forced to change their process to the way they do it. This is not always a good or easy transition. For example, we were bought out by a group of Japanese and their culture and way of life is different than ours, and did not go well with the way we were custom of doing things. Same in this predicament, the difference in business plans, culture, etc. could definitely become an issue. It could also cause issues with competition between the two and become toxic. Although competition is not always a bad thing, however it could very well turn into something negative for the weaker company to compete with the stronger

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