Research Paper On Colombia

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Endangered languages in Colombia “Colombia Bilingüe”.
Colombia is a popular country due to its diversity of ethnicity; this diversity provides several sources of culture that enrich the history of Colombia. But these ethnic groups contribute not only with cultural diversity, they also keep a big variety of languages that makes Colombia a multilingual country. Colombia has a total of sixty-seven languages among Amerindian, indigenous, creoles and Indo European. It should be a positive news because it would make Colombia a great tourist destination and a huge multilingual society; however, most of these are endangered languages due to the lack of education that allows the conservation and proliferation of the languages. The decline of Colombian …show more content…

Surprisingly, 90 percent of indigenous languages in the world are at risk of fading in the next 100 years according to UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues, and Colombia will have a great impact unquestionably. Furthermore, there is a community called Tinigua that only has one speaker currently. This community is just one of the examples of the serious situation that faces Colombia in terms of native languages. Tinigua language lost most of its speakers due to the violent episodes that Colombia suffered in past years and with the death of the first members of the Tinigua culture, a big portion of Colombian diversity lost as well. It is important to realize that when a language disappears, the culture the rites, folklore and festivities also disappear because the culture is transmitted mainly through language. Finally, the government is trying to rescue the diversity of languages or at least to maintain the ones that are still alive; nevertheless, it is contradictory to see the members of the government promoting the program “Colombia Bilingüe” when there are sixty-seven languages in

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