Rent To Own Advantages And Disadvantages

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The rent-to-own option can benefit people interested in buying a home that have checkered past, because of the way it is set up. Rent-to-own means that a home buyer can rent the house for a set amount of years, usually three years, and then has the option to buy it. People interested in buying a home, but have bad credit history, could get their credit up by paying the rent. They can also wait for about three years to decide if they are ready for this kind of commitment. The benefits of renting-to-own are that people have time to decide whether they want to buy the house or not, available to people with bad credit, can raise credit if payments are made, cost of the house can be reduced by rent payments, people have the ability to lock in purchase price, and people can get to know the neighborhood before buying …show more content…

If they do not like the neighborhood, then they can decide to not buy the house. If somebody makes the decision to buy the house right off the bat, then they will not be able to back out as easily if they don’t like the neighborhood. I think this is beneficial for people because they get a chance to know if they actually want to live in that neighborhood before they make the decision to buy the house. When people move into a neighborhood, they like to know what the neighborhood is like before they move in. People don’t want to be forced into moving into a bad neighborhood. With rent-to-own, they have a chance to learn what kind of neighborhood it is before buying the house. Renting-to-own is beneficial in many different ways. One of the most beneficial things about renting-to-own, is that a person can with bad credit has the chance to own a house. Renting-to-own is a good option for people that aren’t sure if they will be able to afford a house. Renting-to-own gives people a lot of leeway and is a wonderful choice for people to

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