Reflection Paper On Practicum Experience

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Overall, this first practicum experience has been a learning process. Going into this semester I had zero background working in a school system or with students. Over the course of the semester, I have found myself discovering myself as a school counselor. I believe that I underestimated the amount of work that goes into being a successful school counselor as well as the process that it will take to become a school counselor. I found myself feeling as though I hit rock bottom many times during this placement. Now looking back, I can respect the process and the amount of growth that I have experienced in 100 hours. As a professional, I am learning what is expected of a school counselor, the roles of a school counselor, and how to take care of yourself as a counselor. I have found that one of my areas of strength is going into the classroom and teaching. One the other hand, being in a position to challenge or confront students in group or one on one is an area that I need to improve. This semester I was in an elementary school. I look …show more content…

This is an area that I feel one of the most important. Due to the race of the population of my practicum site and the average SES, I feel that many may think that the school is great and the entire student body will succeed. From spending time in the school building at least once a week, my views on advocacy have change. There are many students in every school that need to be treated equitably and need a voice. These students that are unable to succeed on their own, need an advocate to help ensure them that they will one day be able to succeed and achieve their goals. That as school counselors it is our jobs to help work through the various obstacles presented in each student’s case. Being an advocate for these students is part of the job I look forward to the most because if I wont do the job than who

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