Reflection Of My Personal Project

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The personal project is a mandatory process in the MYP (middles year programme) that I need to be able to start my IB diploma. For my personal project I decided to learn how to build and a longboard and then finalise my project. I thought of this project because I myself am a rider. I first tried longboard when i was 13 years old and i really liked it and since then it is one of my passions. Therefore i decided to build my own and proper longboard.

I chose this topic because I am passionate about it and it also is a way of learning new things. I will learn how to research in a deeper way than i ever did before, but i will also learn how to do things myself and how to get by it by myself. I developed this project because i want …show more content…

All of them are different from each other, identities and relationship, orientations in space and time, personal and cultural expressions, scientific and technical innovation, globalisation and sustainability and fairness and development. Each of them are used for different personal projects and for mine I am using scientific and technical innovation. As i said it is the closest to my project due to the fact that it doesn’t fit the description of any other one.

In order to complete my expectations and the expectations of all my supervisors and every other person involved in my project, i will need to do my best and face obstacles whatever they are.
Before talking about the rest of my project, i need to explain you what the personal project is. According to the IB, the Personal Project is “a significant piece of work that is the product of the student's own initiative and creativity” (1). The personal project will count half my end of year grade which means it is a really serious project that i really need to take care off. My assignment isn’t just a school essay that i have to right, it also is a sentimental and personal activity that is valuable to me. By engaging myself into it, i will need to finish it in time, to sacrifice my time for it and i will need to do it even when i don't want to do it, but at least i will learn things and take form it. I will test myself up to my limits and how far i can get, …show more content…

A longboard is a long surfboard look a like, which is around 35 inches long. There are different styles of longboards and heres a few of them: freeride, downhill and dancing. Each of them requires a different style of board, wheels and trucks. Some more soft and curvy and other more hard and solid. This is the reason for which i need to investigate what style of longboarding i want to create.

- How am i going to research it?
Before doing any research on what type of wood trucks and wheel i will require i need to find what style of riding i want and i will use my experience to define that. In my two years of experience i have tried a lot of different styles and only one of them has really pleased me. It is the downhill one, but first you thinking of what is downhill? That is a really easy question, downhill is when longboarders are going really fast down a long hill with turns and steep

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