When I arrived at Yale during the fall of 2009 for my freshman year, I started my undergraduate career wanting to practice medicine. Also, I wanted to receive a well-rounded education in an array of subjects. To this day, the education I received at Yale inspires me to delve deeper into pressing issues within our society and utilize the information that comes from a diverse knowledge capital to create strategies and make informed decisions.
The first course I registered for at Yale was an introductory chemistry course called Quantitative Foundations of General Chemistry with professor Mark Johnson. There were three choices for freshman introductory chemistry, and the course was between a general chemistry course for students who had little
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I enjoyed the courses I took in Public Health the most during my undergraduate career, and my most memorable course was ‘Strategic Thinking in Global Health’ with Elizabeth Bradley, the director of the Yale Global Health Initiative. The course provided me with a systematic framework to develop well-informed initiatives towards solving public health problems. Through the course, I utilized the skills learned in the classroom to develop a strategic plan to improve a specific public health issue. The plan I created in the course helped me in Summer 2012 when I went to the Solomon Islands and did baseline research toward the development of a Communication for Development public health platform with the Solomon Islands Media Assistance Scheme …show more content…
I started off as a staff writer my sophomore year, became outreach coordinator my junior year, for which I was responsible for bringing a Yale Health Writer’s Workshop to campus that connected aspiring health writers all over campus, and became Editor-in-Chief my senior year. Starting my junior year, I participated in a ‘Violence and Health’ reading group further piqued my interest in public health. The group brought together professors and students from undergraduate, graduate, and pre-professional schools to better understand the connections between violent conflict and health outcomes. The group integrated science, medicine, and policy in the area of violence prevention and health promotion spanning self-directed, interpersonal, and collective violence. Also during my junior year, I conducted semester-long independent research on how modes of healing were developed, challenged, and adopted over time through the creation of a historical strategic framework in specific areas and health issues within the African continent. This research was extended in my senior thesis where I focused the strategic framework on the Colonial Congo named, “Strategic Health: How Businesses, Religious Missions, and the Colonial State Developed the Public Health Agenda in the Belgian and French
I am excited to be submitting my application to Georgetown University School of Medicine, as this school’s mission and values reflect my own beliefs on the role of a physician. I believe that there is no fixed template to healthcare; medicine and health will vary across time, regions, and individuals, and as future physicians, it is crucial for us to recognize that. While standard science education is certainly critical, a broadened approach that draws on other knowledge and our own life experiences is just as essential to delivering quality healthcare. I believe that Georgetown Medical School’s tradition of “Cura Personalis” and its
Penn as an institution is powerfully driven by a nonpareil dedication to medical research. As a firm believer of a well rounded education, I feel pragmatism, community service, and research should accompany an education, and Penn I perceive follows the initiative through wholly.
...ment an integrative approach in a disjointed system of fragmented agencies and separate departments. In addition, examining violence through social development requires long term studies of development through life stages. Unfortunately, in the aftermath of crimes like the Virginia Tech murders, the pressure to re-act can outweigh the patience to act logically.
I am currently an English 160 student who is hoping to move on to the next course, which is English 161. I understand the requirements for English 161. It require students to explore a topic in some depth and conduct independent research related to that topic. Conducting research allows students to learn what it is like to participate in academic culture, posing questions about important issues and developing an argument in response to what others have said. It expected students to learn the most valuable skill in college, which is critical thinking. Students have to be able to read challenging readings. Although I still have problems with English, I think I’m qualified to move on.
Throughout the semester i only learned few new things but i did improve and solidify my skill of writing. Before my first year of college my skills have always undermined by other high school english teachers and with that came disappointing grades. I am writing this paper as a reflection of the semester and the progress i have made as a writer. I now understand many things that my high school teachers have done a poor job demonstrating and i am grateful that i decided to take my own route in my education instead of their syllabus. I entered the semester with anxiety that i would perform as i did before but i clearly outdid my own expectations by receiving top grades on my essays.
English has never been my best subject. Reading books can be exciting, but the writing aspect of English can be dreadful. Somehow, however, I passed all my advanced English classes with at least a B, and my teachers always considered me to be “above average.” My impartiality toward English shifted to an indifference near the end of my high school career; my indifference then shifted to appreciation. This appreciation is attributed to American Studies and Honors Writing, the most difficult English classes at Belleville East Township High School. American Studies and Honors Writing have strengthened my writing skills beyond what I believed possible. I still do not believe that I am the best writer, and English may never be my best or favorite
I first considered a public health career when I interned at the Ghana Health Service Family Health Department as an undergraduate student. Participating in national meetings focused on strategies to reduce maternal mortality in Ghana, I recognized that, in order to create sustainable advances, it is crucial to address the underlying social inequalities that exacerbate adverse health outcomes. To advance this goal, I am seeking admission into the Global Health and Population Doctoral Program at the Harvard School of Public Health.
Five years ago, I was interested in public health, but thought I would be training to become an addictions therapist with a clinical social work license. However, during graduate school, I was reintroduced to public health, and discovered that I could no longer envision my future without it. I became interested in the impact of population health, the quality of health services, and the challenge that public hFive years ago, I was interested in public health, but thought I would be training to become an addictions therapist with a clinical social work license. However, during graduate school, I was reintroduced to public health, and discovered that I could no longer envision my future without it. I became interested in the impact of population health, the quality of health services, and the challenge that public health professionals have in dissecting complex issues that often have larger social and cultural foundations.
When assessing my current writing ability, I recognize my ability to efficiently relay a message; however, I struggle with using strong phrases and advanced writing. When I begin drafting a paper, translating my thoughts and ideas into words comes naturally, and I do not get lost in the process. As mentioned previously, the general areas that need improvement include using strong vocabulary to convey a professional level of writing. Also, I believe that I need to work on transition phrases between ideas.
Over the course of the semester, I feel that I have grown as a writer in many ways. When I came into the class, there were skills I had that I already excelled at. During my time in class, I have come to improve on those skills even more. Before I took this class I didn’t even realise what I was good at. This is the first class where I felt I received feedback on my writing that helped me to actually review my work in see what areas I lacked in and where I succeeded. Some of the skills I had shocked me as I didn’t think I had those capabilities in me.
London, England. The.. London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine n.d., Session 5: The role of the state. in global health, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, London, England. Ricci J.
Public Health is the most important aspect of medicine. My studies in Public Health will go a very long way to help me grasp the proper concepts and tools needed to work with the government to bring sustainable solutions to health care problems faced by various communities today. Public Health issues touch almost every family in the USA today. I know that if the health sector was better funded, better equipped, and better managed, with clear and effective policies, this kind of suffering could been avoided. I want to go into public health because I believe strongly that I can contribute not only to my fellow Americans, but also to people all over the world. I anticipate that through proper planning, interventions and implementation of effective policies, one will be able to bring about much-needed change through my work with an NGO or non-profit affiliated with the UN.
In academia, my new mindset enabled me to take advanced placement courses, independent college courses and enjoy all that education had to offer. I started pursuing neurological medical career interests at Mount Sinai Hospital’s two months medical careers exploration, followed by courses’ demonstrating cultural, visual, social media influences, supplemented with Columbia University Teacher College’s conferences on adolescent cognitive competence led to being chosen for the highly selective 2-year Sophie Davis School of Biomedical Education
Frieden establishes the fundamentals of success. These components that are innovation, communication, technical package, management, and political commitment create a web for Public Health. By utilizing this over everyday lives. These programs can target anything from micro issue to epidemics. This educational tool focuses on building a system that challenges normative ideas and helps identify new strategies. This ultimately relates in a creating an ecosystem of new ground rules that every Public Health official should use. Dr. Frieden did a great job on explaining what is next in educating and
Much like Benjamin Franklin believed, I feel that a person should take advantage of the time the person has in life with activities a person wants to do or needs to do. A person should not spend much time on activities the person does not want to do. Life is way too short to concern oneself with work or other activities one wants nothing to do with all the time. When possible, I try to forget about my responsibility and just let go of the ‘things’ that do not matter to me. I think a person should try to occupy oneself with something productive, worthwhile, or necessary at all times. Even though a person’s life is left up to a person to live, I cannot imagine thinking that I owe my time to society through working a job that I simply despise. I am a compassionate person, but I do not owe anyone anything regarding my time.