Music Set Me Free Speech

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I imagine an evening when I accept my performance award to launch into an historic speech “Music Set Me Free” thanking educators who taught me how to decode texts’ main ideas and critically analyze what I read, making comprehending daily items like my cello instructor’s annotated sheet music, viable. At 9 years old, it had taken a host of diligent experts to prove what I always knew was true; I did not lack intellect, I learned differently than my classmates. I would tell of how since then, I challenged myself to achieve. I took to heart my parents’ oft repeated mantra: Live life for what it can bring as the real sense of enjoyment will come in knowing you are having the time of your life, riding aboard life’s train that runs along the edge of the world, these moments will be your legacy. There were right. Childhood piano, cello, and ballet lessons morphed into a NYC Opera Children’s Chorus offer at seven to be in hundreds of choral numbers. Sadly, the subtleties of professional artistry ordained my operatic career’s end by thirteen when puberty curtailed my high-C’s. One door’s closing meant another’s opening. Having worked extremely hard, I got accepted into Windward School, nationally one of the best schools for language-based deficiencies. Freed of boundaries caused by unknown “wiring” issues, all …show more content…

In academia, my new mindset enabled me to take advanced placement courses, independent college courses and enjoy all that education had to offer. I started pursuing neurological medical career interests at Mount Sinai Hospital’s two months medical careers exploration, followed by courses’ demonstrating cultural, visual, social media influences, supplemented with Columbia University Teacher College’s conferences on adolescent cognitive competence led to being chosen for the highly selective 2-year Sophie Davis School of Biomedical Education

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