Real Life Application Essay

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I was drawn to the NYU Accra internship program due to the real-life application that it provides. The experiences that I will have will teach me about the cultural norms and values that Ghana provides. Through the intern and community involvement, I will be able to understand the diversity and complexity of West African culture. As someone of West African descent, having a first-hand account will allow me to have a deeper connection to my roots. Although, I am from of West African descent, studying in another country different from my own, will allow me to view African culture in a different context. Ghana provides numerous opportunities to become involved with the community and an opportunity to give back to the continent where I am from. I am Nigerian-American (both of my parents were born …show more content…

My visit to Accra is also what inspired me to declare Africana Studies as my minor. I expect that by the end of my time in Accra, I will not only be a step further in my academic pursuits, but I will have a wealth of new tools and knowledge to use for the rest of my teaching career. As an educator, it’s important for me to understand education in a global context. Not only would I be able to experience a different classroom setting, I will be able to consider a new location to teach outside of my direct home environment. I am currently studying Childhood and Special Education with an interest in Africana Studies. NYU Accra offers the Human Development course with weekly visits to Ghanaian schools and classrooms. That, in addition to the internship placement, will allow me to explore fields within and outside of my major. After graduating college, I wish to become a teacher. I have a tremendous interest in education and a strong passion for teaching. I enjoy helping and teaching the people around

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