Public Display Of Affection Essay

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According to Jerika Pastrana in 2015 It is an act that is mostly objectionable to the public. Today, Public Display of Affection is something that most couples indulge in the beginning of their days of physical exploration and discovery. Public display of affection affects people in different ways and one should be mindful of the feelings that can be elicited by 'carrying on' in public. When a couple is feeling passionate they may be oblivious to the presence of people around them, but they may accidentally hurt someone. Someone who has just lost a loved one may find their public display of affection heartbreaking; a reminder of someone they can no longer kiss. Someone who has ended a relationship may find it agonizing as a reminder of the one that had gone away. Older people may find it annoying as their generation was more modest and saved serious affection for times when the intimacy could be carried further than just holding hands and kissing. Single people and lonely people will feel similarly as it will remind them of the fact that they are alone. A consideration of the kind of people around the place will save everyone from feelings of …show more content…

“The people watching, say, a couple kissing on the street are thus likely to find the display heartwarming or embarrassing,” said David E. Klimek. Public Display of Affection range from a handshake to an passionate kiss. It involves a man and a woman. Couples may do it because they want to flaunt the strength of their relationship, because they want to avoid the weaknesses in their relationship or because, they are affectionate people who are very much in love. Dr. Klimek suggested that public displays of affection can trip a feeling in adults that is akin children’s reactions to sex between their parents. There a sense that between affectionate touching as friends, which is wonderful, and touching with highly charged sexual

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