Public Adminstration

773 Words2 Pages

The role of ethics in public administration is built on the administration; administrators should be value-free when they implement public policy. Most of us do not understand the problems and situations that administration has to deal with day in and day out. Now we would like to think that administrators make the best possible ethical choices but that is far from being the case. Administrators are supposed to use everyday values and morals with setting up and finalizing policies and again that is not the case always. Maybe in a perfect world that would happen by no means do we live in a perfect world and as the public we rely on our administrators to make the best decisions that affect our community as a whole. For some we need to ask this question: what exactly is an administration?
An administration is a business after all and as a business it has to make money to survive in the business world. Businesses in public administration would never survive if they based ethics on each and every individual worker within their business. There are various factors that determine ethics in public administration; spreading of democratization, a change in balance among states, the market and civil society, globalization, and changing social mores. These changes can influence public leaders and the government that they control. The topic weighing more on society today due to the economic changes is change among balance and states and changing social mores. We as the public demand higher standards with the ethical decisions that are handed down to us to help bring order to governance in our society.
The government has a code of ethics that must be followed which is implemented by the Government (state, cities, towns, etc.). Standards are ...

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...blic administration have also evolved parallel with the history of the United States. There have been numerous events in American history have lead to changes in society and the practice of public administration has both led and followed in the adaptation process of such monumental changes.
Public administration has both led the way for societal reforms and has followed the changes in society. One can only guess that the study and practice of public administration will continue to change with the further advances in society. Already there are many of issues that tomorrow’s public administrators will be dealing with. These issues will be varied and complex and will concern the ongoing development of computers, possible advancements in health care and science, and even major social and legislative shifts.


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