Nature VS nurture is a part of developmental psychology. It is the issue of the degree to which environment and heredity influence behavior (Feldman, 2013). They call this the age old question of psychology. With all of the research that has been done, people now believe that it is not one of these factors that that determine a person’s development, but both. The magazine article that I picked is basically talking about the development of children or nature VS nurture. There were some misguided theories before, when it comes to why children turn out the way they do. I thought one of the examples used in the article was a very good one. Smithstein used autism as an example. It was thought that autism was caused by a more or less a bad mother, …show more content…
If we are hard wired a certain way, and our environment accounts for the other half, how are we in control of what we do and do not do? For example, if a child has a genetic predisposition towards violent behavior, and was raised by parents who kept him around violent behavior, or maybe even abused him, how is that child responsible if he commits a violent crime? Many people that have committed violent crimes will simply argue it was in their nature to do so. Psychologist Lisa Aspinwall, conducted an experiment. It suggested if a judge is presented with testimony saying the defendant's violent behavior is partly caused by genetics and they are presented with research, (psychopath’s brain versus non psychopath’s brain), the judge is likely to give a lighter sentence. Although this is only one experiment, it shows that judges may give lighter sentences if they are convinced the person’s genes made him do it. For many years people have gone back and forth in the debate of nurture VS nature. This is no longer a debate. Most scholarly work concludes that genes provide potential for our behavior, but without environmental factors, these predispositions will never be realized. As Ridley reminds us, “these genes are at the mercy of our behavior, not the other way
Have you ever wondered, or thought where you have got your personality from? The debate over nature versus nurture is whether people like identical twins, for example, are born and raised by genetics,(nature) and if they are born and raised by influences and influenced by the environment around them(nurture). The debate over nature versus nurture is very important and cannot be ignored. Identical twins are different in many ways. Studies have shown that nurture, is more dominant than nature. My personality has also changed in many ways as I have been raised. So as you can see I am on the nurture side by far.
The stigma of matching clothes, similar thoughts, and having the same fingerprints, surround being a twin but what about the correlation of education and growth on being a twin?
The debate on nurture versus nature goes much further back in history, to the times of philosophers such as Aristotle and Plato, respectively. One reason why individuals may not be aware of this is due to the different terminology used to describe
Dr. Eileen Pearlman says that “The separation and individuation process begins early in life, and for some twins it takes longer than others as not only do twins need to learn to separate and individuate from their mothers but they also have to learn to separate and individuate from each other.” The constant comparison from individuals looking into their life can make this harder for twins. People need to understand that with being a twin there are advantages but also disadvantages. People and even family members of twins can fail to realize this. The figment of people's imagination is that twins get along, have similar tastes, and are the exactly alike, almost the same
Either way, social scientists have been struggling for centuries deciding whether our personalities are born or made. Tests are done often on identical twins that were separated to see how they are influenced. In the past twenty years, it has been discovered that there is a genetic component to about every human trait and behavior (Pinker, 2002). However, genetic influence on traits and behavior is partial because genetics account on average for half of the variation of most traits (Pinker, 2002). Researchers are finding that the balance between genetic and environmental influences for certain traits change as people get older (Pinker, 2002).
Many psychologists have argued over what influences shape a person, whether they are biological or environmental. Comparing these to my own thoughts and personal experiences, I was able to come to conclusions about development. I believe that nurture is much more influential on a child’s development than nature is.
The nature-nurture is an issue in developmental psychologist to whether how much each play a role in human development. Nature is influenced by our biological factors such as our genetic
Robert S.Feldman(2014) says that: “Nature refers to traits,abilities,and capacities that are inherited from one’s parents”. On the other hand, nurture refers to the environmental influences that shape certain behaviors. I will give an explanation of the nature/nurture controversy as it pertains to each of the following circumstances.
One of the hottest debates is and has been nature vs nurture for years, but what is the difference between the two? Nature is what people think of as already having and not being able to change it, in other words, pre-wiring (Sincero). Nurture is the influence of experiences and its environment of external factors (Sincero). Both nature and nurture play important roles in human development. Scientists and researchers are both trying to figure out which is the main cause in development because it is still unknown on which it is. The best position to side with is nature. Nature is also defined as genetic or hormone based behaviors (Agin). Regardless of the involvement in everyday life, or nurture, this argumentation centers around the effect genes have on human personalities. Although it is understandable on reasons to side with nurture, nature is the better stand in this controversy. Reasons to side with nature is because of genes and what genes hold. Genes is what
7-) Studies featuring twins are especially informative for examining how nature (genes) and nurture (environment) influences a variety of traits and behaviors. Monozygotic twins are derived from one zygote and Dizygotic twins are derived from two zygotes. Monozygotic twins are more likely to be raised similar as they are of the same gender and have similar physical traits, meanwhile Dizygotic twins are less likely to be raised similar as they could be of opposite genders and have different physical traits. Since monozygotic twins inherit similar genes, they are most likely to have the same response to alcohol.
Psychologists often debate between the idea of nature vs nurture and which of these two has a greater impact on a person's development. Psychologists who argue that nature plays a large role in an individual's development are not necessarily wrong due to the overwhelming evidence that supports the idea that genetics has role in individuals lives for example Julian and Adrian Riester who were identical twins. They were known as being quiet and calm throughout their life and became priests together until they would die with only 15 hours apart providing a strong basis for how important nature can influence the development of people. Nevertheless, there is more convincing evidence that nurture has proven more important in people's development.
more than half the variation was found to be due to heredity. Among these traits were
For many year’s people have been trying to determine if nurture has a bigger impact on individuals or if nature does. Many people cannot decide because both aspects play a role in making us the person we are today. Nurture is the ability for us to be loved and given the opportunity to grow and develop. If we did not have nurture in our lives we would not be able to grow, and we would not be able to understand the concept of caring or loving someone. This is a key part of child development. Nature is the ability for are biological traits to influence who we are as a person. This is why many people believe that nature plays a bigger role. Until we understand which characteristics come from what we will never be able to understand which is more
Nature includes genetic variance and heritability from immediate gene pool. This reflects the concepts proposed by nativists arguing that humans begin development with a “hardwired” set of inherited genes and are predetermined to display either those from their mother or father. Nurture on the other hand encompasses the environmental factors such as family interaction, peer- pressure, and media in an idea titled environmentalism, which counters nativism with a “blank-slate” (tabula rasa) concept of maturation. The “All or Nothing” explanation of this phenomenon proves faulty because, based on the extent of my research, there is no single source that contributes to who we are and who we will become. The path that lies ahead of us is not predetermined as claimed by nativists, nor is it a “blank slate” waiting to be constructed. Both nature and nurture contribute significantly to our personality and behavioral development. This becomes obvious with the studies done involving twins (especially monozygotic) where results in behavior differed even when genes were identical. It is important that this informative essay upholds the idea, that no two people are exactly alike because of not specifically gene variations but rather the experiences that mold our perception of the world we live
It is true that identical twins who are raised together have many things in common,